14. Oh that smile!

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Every morning begins at 5:30 AM

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Every morning begins at 5:30 AM. The alarm's ring is more of a ritual than a nuisance, a signal to start the day with purpose. Rolling out of bed, I'm greeted by the quiet stillness of the early hour-a rare moment of peace before the day's chaos unfolds.

First stop is the gym. The routine of lifting weights, feeling the resistance, and pushing my limits is almost meditative. Each rep, each set, is a step toward not just physical strength, but mental clarity. The sweat and burn are reminders of my dedication, a tangible proof of my discipline.

By 7:00 AM, I'm back home, showered, and ready to dive into my studies. The books and notes spread across my desk are like a battlefield, each chapter a new challenge to conquer. It's demanding, and the hours can blur together, but there's a strange satisfaction in the grind. Knowing that every bit of knowledge gained brings me closer to my goals keeps me focused.

Amidst this whirlwind, thoughts of her slip into my mind. Her smile, the way she laughs, the light in her eyes-these thoughts are my refuge. I make it a point to carve out moments in my day just for her. Sometimes it's a text, a simple "Good morning," or "Thinking of you," other times it's a quick coffee break between classes where we can steal a few precious minutes together. These moments are brief but profound, like breaths of fresh air.

She understands my hustle, my need to balance these different facets of my life. Her support, her belief in me, fuels my drive. When we're together, time seems to slow, and I can just be present with her. It's in these moments I find a different kind of strength, one that complements the physical and mental endurance I build daily.

Nowadays, I'm miss basketball practice-a sacrifice that weighs heavily on me. Basketball is my escape, my passion, the ache to be on the court, to feel the ball in my hands, and to hear the swish of the net is always there. But for now, my focus has to be elsewhere, even though it feels like something vital is missing from my day.

To break and prevent stress, I lean onto the tunes of my guitar. There's something soothing about strumming the strings, letting the music wash over me. And whenever I need a boost, I reach for the jar she gifted me, filled with motivating and positive quotes. It's always there, offering words of encouragement just when I need them most.

Thinking about it, I realize I have to perform at Aanya's birthday party this evening. I wasn't initially keen, but learning about the guests-especially her-made me reconsider. Now, the chance to perform and see her there has me looking forward to it.

I've never been a fan of Aanya or her extravagant parties, but I made an effort to attend twice so as not to spoil her special day. However, after her advances and especially after Sprinkles came into my life, I completely drew the line. I refuse to entertain any of Aanya's frivolous requests because I don't want to risk hurting Sprinkles or compromising my own commitment and loyalty. I'm generally straightforward and easygoing, but that doesn't mean I'm a playboy who trivializes others' emotions or doesn't value them.

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