10. Anything for you

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Guys please vote and provide your comments on the story so that I could know your opinions and whether you're really enjoying it. Writing is something I genuinely enjoy and hence I'm trying to continue it amidst my busy schedule, pls be a little kind. The next chapter will be updated only when you guys will voice it out. Happy reading!

The faint glow of dawn filtered through the curtains nudging me to wake up and thus signalling the start of a new day. As I slowly come to consciousness the first thing I feel is the warmth of a comforting body around me instantly filling me with a sense of contentment.

The love of my life,lying in my arms with no care of the world with head pressed against my chest hands wrapped around my stomach and legs tangled in mine.

Looking nothing less than serene and divine which is the actual form of her.

Reaching out, I gently brush a stray strand of hair from her face, marvelling at the delicate curve of her cheeks and the way her lips are parted ever so slightly in sleep.

As much as I wanted to remain in that position for a lifetime but shrugged the thought unwantedly and got in the process of detaching myself without disturbing her sleep.

Tugging her in the comforter, I exhaled a deep breath and revised the idea of quietly exiting her room without the notice of even a little bird, refusing to grab any unnecessary attention.

The clock in her nightstand ticked 5.30 meaning I had ample amount in my hand to crash the gym and get ready for the college. I almost made my way towards her balcony door when suddenly some weird thoughts started to spin my mind.

What if she thinks all the moments we shared yesterday were nothing but a dream? What if she considers my presence was just her hallucination? What if she gets upset with my unannounced departure?

Not wanting to provoke such thoughts further I moved towards her study table and retrieved a sticky note from the collection. Writing a small msg for her I pasted it on her nightstand and placed the last bar of chocolate I had on it.

In these few weeks anyone can figure out that chocolates were more than just a treat for Aadrika. The way her eyes lights up like a child with the mere sight of it,the expressions she pulls off each time savouring it's bites, it was clear that chocolates were more like a source of comfort and happiness to her. Something I wish I could've been for to her.

A low chuckle left my mouth at my own thoughts and shaking them off I finally embarked on the mission of sneakily exiting her PG.
The sun was shining bright and sweat was already trickling down our wet bodies as we started our practice for the forthcoming basketball intercollegiate tournament.

While warming up before the practice there was just one thought lingering my mind that I haven't seen her since the morning,is she going to miss the college today as well? The thought itself was enough to dampen my mood as her absence had bothered me enough since the past 2 days. Though she assured me last night about her arrival,maybe I should wait a little more.

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