8. What the hell are you doing?

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Note: This chapter contains multiple POVs. Enjoy reading!

The seminar went super well with the backing of my buddies by my side

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The seminar went super well with the backing of my buddies by my side. And amongst them, the person deserving special regards from me is none but Devyaan who provided his steadfast presence at every hour of my need. Till the time I made my way towards the podium he had continued to whisper encouraging words into my ears.

When I took a deep breath before commencing my presentation, all I could smell his soothing cologne near me. Seems like he actually spelled some magic onto me.  Whatever it is, the feelings,the thoughts,the butterflies everything feels so good and positive that I never want them to withdraw from me even in my denial.

But sometimes I get so much caught in my happiness which as a result  only brings embarrassment to me in return. For instance, the moment the programme ended and all of us gathered outside the auditorium I was so over the moon that I wrapped Devyaan in the tightest embrace infront of everyone.

Ahhhhhhh! Super flustering coz Sitaara, Eshaal and not to forget my dearest Porna never leave a single chance to tease me when it comes to him and with this action of mine I just made things too tough for me to face.

Still pretending to be super cool and ignorant about it I tried to focus on my other classes as that hug was nothing but a heat of the moment. My subconscious taunted me throughout out the day at my own statements but I couldn't care less.
I wrapped up the preparation of my notes and assignments for tomorrow to finally indulge in a deep slumber.

Suddenly all I could discern is a distressing annoyance in my abdominal region. I walked towards the washroom to face one of the most detestable thing of my life:early periods.

Normally I'm a person who never wastes her time on whining about the  unexpected discomfort rather tries to cope over it. But there are these few things that just drives me up the wall which includes: monsoon,early periods and brash females.

I dialled up Eshaal to inform her about my absence tomorrow. Being the chum she is, she advised me to take good care along the assurance of providing the notes timely coz she's well aware about my torturous cramps and crazy mood swings.

Good for me though to be able to rest  for a day or 2 coz this cramps aren't getting over anytime soon. As I lay down on the bed it dawn's upon me that probably I just immersed myself heavily in the academics along with other college affairs.

Right now I couldn't avoid missing the warmth of maa along with kaki's mouth watering dishes. Handling the mood swings have never been my cup of tea since the first time I experienced it, hence it gets increased tenfold by cramps.

As long as maa,di and kaki were there with me I didn't have to worry about any potential issues that could arise in future. But now that I'm all alone by myself everything is feeling worse for me to handle. It's too late to make a call at home ,rather pointless as it would only make them compromise their sleep all night and worry about me.

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