12. I believe in you

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The roar of the crowd reverberated through the stadium, a tidal wave of noise that made my heart pound even harder

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The roar of the crowd reverberated through the stadium, a tidal wave of noise that made my heart pound even harder. I stood at the edge of the court, dribbling the basketball rhythmically, trying to focus on the familiar thump against the hardwood to calm my nerves. The scoreboard glowed brightly, its numbers a constant reminder of the minutes ticking down to the start of the game.

But my eyes repeatedly tried to scan a certain someone amidst the crowd.I took a deep breath, and a flashback of our last conversation flickered through my mind.

It was yesterday, right after practice. We were sitting on the bleachers, the sun setting behind us when I was rambling my apprehension regarding the match to her. "Do you trust me?" she asked looking at me, her eyes full of warmth and confidence. "Yes" I replied in a heartbeat. "Then have trust in my words as well Mr. Shetty, you're going to do great, you know," she had said, her voice steady and reassuring. "Coz I believe in you."

I remembered how she had smiled then, a smile that seemed to light up the entire campus or better say my world. "Are you coming to watch the match?" I questioned with a hopeful glance internally praying with all my heart to hear positive a response. "I'll be there," she promised. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Her words echoed in my mind, grounding me. She believed in me. She is going to be here, watching, cheering me on. That thought alone was enough to steady my nerves, to remind me why I loved this game so much.

As the warning buzzer sounded, pulling me back to the present, I felt a surge of determination and glanced up into the stands, searching for familiar faces. My family was there, scattered among the sea of supporters. I spotted my brother's distinctive baseball cap, my vadhina's excited wave, and my friends bouncing with restless energy. Somewhere up there, my classmates and rest of my college were cheering, their loud voices becoming a comforting presence.

And then, there she is-my Sprinkles. She had told me she'd be here, but seeing her now, surrounded by her friends, made my stomach flip. She is watching me, her eyes wide with anticipation, and I felt a strange mix of exhilaration and dread. This is the first time she'd see me play, and the pressure was unlike anything I'd ever felt before.

I took a deep breath, wiping my sweaty palms on my shorts. The weight of expectation pressed down on me. Not just from the team, but from everyone I cared about who had come to watch. I couldn't let them down. I couldn't let her down.

The final buzzer sounded, signaling the start of the match. I jogged onto the court, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts, but one stood out: play your heart out. Show them all what you're made of. With one last look at the stands, I locked eyes with her briefly, drew strength from her encouraging smile, and turned my attention to the game. It was time to make this moment count.

The game became intense, the scoreboard ticking away as the crowd's energy surged with every play. Sweat poured down my face as I navigated through defenders. Every pass and shot felt critical. As I drove toward the basket, a defender collided with me, and I hit the floor hard, pain shooting through my elbow. The arena fell silent. Gritting my teeth, I pushed myself up, testing my arm. The pain was sharp, but so was my determination.

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