9. My heart and soul are there for you

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Over the course of the day I tried to occupy myself into different activities and entertainment to distract myself from terrible cramps

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Over the course of the day I tried to occupy myself into different activities and entertainment to distract myself from terrible cramps. To my dismay all those silly efforts came to naught.

Wrapped snugly in the cozy embrace of my bed and blanket in the cloudy day I sought to enjoy one of my fav Pakistani dramas anew. But each moment being away from the warmth and support of family felt like an immense void. Each second making me yearn for their unconditional care and reassuring voices that now sound aloof.

From savouring into the delicious dishes in the hands of kaki to playing chess with the siblings and receiving the foot massage alternatively by Kakumoni and Baba at night while lying in the bed before sleeping,all these memories making me more vulnerable in this tough pain.

And unknowingly a lone tear left my eye making its way through my cheek to my cushion. Ahh probably I'm flooded with feelings and growing overly emotional right now.

Though somewhere I always knew that one needs to prepare to take care of oneself in future as relying solely on others for support throughout life is not always feasible.

A sudden knock on my balcony door interrupted me from my reverie making me think of the probable sources of the noise.Given that birds usually come and knock only in the afternoon, it's unlikely for them to be flying around at this time of night."

As I took slow steps towards the balcony door an unknown fear crept into my mind observing a human shadow outside. Nevertheless, I let it slide the very next instant being well aware of the mischievous nature of the girls I share my PG with. An interesting aspect about them is that hardly any of them can complete a task without infusing it with a touch of mischief."

But as I opened the door I received the biggest shock of my life. Mr. Devyaan Shetty was standing there in black jeans and a matching hoodie, with his head concealed under the cap, looking every bit like a mysterious figure straight out of the streets."

"What the hell are you doing here?"I gasped loudly. He immediately clamped my mouth with his hand and pushed me inside thereby locking the door. Removing his hand and the cap he started panting rhythmically.

As his breathing returned to normal I stared at him, with my hands folded over my chest and momentarily forgetting the ache,"Care to explain".

He looked to both his left and right scratching his neck, "I was worried about you so thought of paying a visit", offering me the most annoying smile one could ever do.

"So you chose this best way of displaying your concern? Have you lost your mind?" I attempted to respond in a whisper, barely audible though annoyance evident in my voice .

"It's not like that Spri...Aadrika."

"Then how's it? And what is it? Pls do the honour of enlightening me!"I replied.

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