Chapter 20

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The sun was setting as Percy and Blackjack flew towards the camp. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the familiar landscape below. The camp looked peaceful and inviting, with campers gathered around the bonfire. It was time for dinner, it seemed from above, but as they got ready for landing, Percy could sense the commotion near the dining pavilion. Percy asked for Blackjack to fly near the disturbance. As they approached, Percy could see campers running around frantically and shouting. It was clear that something was wrong, and Percy knew he needed to check immediately and also look for his squad members if there was any serious trouble. As Percy landed, he could see a group of campers huddled around Mrs. O'Leary, who appeared to be way too excited. Without hesitation, Percy rushed to the scene to assess the situation and provide assistance. As Percy landed, he quickly searched the area for his friends, but he saw Annabeth and Grover trying to calm down the chaos.

Percy rushed towards Grover and Annabeth and asked, "What happened?" as the hellhounds barks shook the entire camp.

"Mrs. O'Learly has become restless, and Nico has gone to visit Hades, asking for some more information about the monsters." Annabeth answered quickly and rushed forward to help the camper, who had stumbled as Grover bleated nervously beside Percy.

As if the hellhound sensed Percy's presence, she started to rush towards the hooded figure, dragging the demigods along who were trying to contain her. Percy got ready to stop the hellhound that was bounding towards him, but before he could, Nico appeared out of the shadows and called out to the hellhound, causing her to stop in her tracks and turn towards him with a low growl. Nico's eyes were steely as he commanded the hellhound to stand down, his voice filled with authority and power. The demigods watched in awe as the hellhound obeyed Nico's command. Nico raised his hand, revealing a small bone he had brought from the underworld, which seemed to calm the hellhound down instantly. The demigods breathed a sigh of relief as the situation was diffused, grateful for Nico's quick thinking and connection with the underworld. The campers looked dead on their feet, huffing and puffing.

Mrs. O'Leary whined as Nico began to walk her away from the campers.

"Everyone is tired; with all the mess that happened today, it will be better if we hold our meeting tomorrow when everyone is fresh." Chiron said, cutting out the silence that had fallen.

"Agreed," Annabeth chimed in, nodding in approval. With a collective nod, the demigods dispersed, heading back to their cabins for some much-needed rest.

Percy waited back for his team members to join him before turning around and moving towards their camp.  

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