Chapter 23

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After the meeting, everyone had returned to their own tasks, busy helping around, gathering supplies, and keeping guard. The atmosphere was tense as they prepared for the upcoming battle, and each person focused on their role in the group. As the day faded into night, the campers began to settle in for some much-needed rest. The crackling of the campfire and quiet conversations could be heard as they tried to find comfort in each other's company, seeking comfort in the familiarity of their surroundings.

Even the Elite team had joined the campers, sitting around the bonfire on the log of wood, talking among themselves. There was still some tension between the campers and the members of the elite team, but they had decided to ignore it for the sake of maintaining a peaceful atmosphere. The night sky above was filled with twinkling stars, casting a sense of tranquillity over the camp as they shared stories and laughter around the warm glow of the fire.

Suddenly, the sound of leaves crunching was heard, followed by the footsteps of about dozens of people and the rustling of leaves on the trees. The campers' laughter died down as they quickly started to get ready for an attack, The elite team quickly wielded their own hidden weapons from their cloaks, The tension between the campers and the elite team was momentarily forgotten as they all turned to face the mysterious sounds in the darkness of the night, but Zale remained unfazed as he sat down and asked his members to drop their weapons too. The team, without any hesitation, followed Zale's lead, trusting in his judgement and experience. The campers wondered why the commander was disarming in the face of possible danger as they turned to face him with scowled eyebrows and betrayed looks. However, Zale calmly turned towards them and said, "It's not an attack, it's an ally to you."

As the footsteps neared the campers, still not trusting the team, they grabbed their weapons and moved forward towards the sound of the footsteps.

Soon the footsteps crossed the camp border and inside the camp area, revealing their friends and allies in the war. Relief washed over the campers as they recognised their allies, lowering their weapons and exchanging hugs of greeting. Zale's decision to trust his powers paid off.

The hunters of Artemis had arrived.

The arrival of the hunters of Artemis brought a sense of hope, joy in these hard times, and determination to the camp, strengthening their resolve to fight against their common enemy. Soon after the greetings were done, they turned towards the new addition to the camp, confusion on their faces and questions ready at their mouths, Before they would ask, Zale stood up from the log he was sitting on and moved forward, bowing in front of the hunters before introducing himself and the team, "I'm Zale, commander of the Chaos Army and Chaos assassin, this is my elite team." His voice held power and authority, causing the hunters to pause in their questioning. The tension in the air vanished as Zale continued, "We are here to join forces with you in the battle against your mutual enemy, we were asked by Chaos himself to help in the battle." The hunters exchanged glances, impressed by Zale's confidence and the mention of Chaos.

One of them finally spoke up, turning towards their lieutenant, Thalia Grace, and asking, "Should we trust them?"

Thalia only nodded, stepping forward towards the commander and introducing herself as "Thalia Grace, hunter of Artemis."

"Daughter of Zeus, pleased to meet you,"

"You know of me," she asked,

"I know about everyone here." Zale replied with a smirk, earning a raised eyebrow from his cousin.

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