Chapter 11

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One and a half years later

"Commander, Lord Chaos wants to meet you in his office," called out a voice from the door of the training room, where he was watching the young soldiers who were training. It was one of the twins who worked as Chaos's assistant. Percy nodded his head at the twin, whom he had failed to recognise.

Percy ordered the young ones to continue their training while he met Chaos. Today Laszlo was not in the training, and Percy could not get hold of him since breakfast was served. It was unusual for the army trainer to miss the training sessions, so Percy's concern grew as he made his way to Lord Chaos's office. As he entered the office, Percy couldn't help but wonder if Laszlo's absence was somehow connected to the meeting he was about to have with Lord Chaos. .

It's been one and a half years since Percy came to this planet, and since then he has been on six assassin duties and one war-like situation, and every situation that he has handled has been successful.

Percy noticed that every time he had his armour on, people called him 'commander'; otherwise, it was 'Zale', and he did not mind it; he was happy that no one called him 'Percy'.

Laszlo knew about his history as a demigod; he found that out the hard way when they were discussing strategies in his room and found those beads in his drawers and asked about them. Percy nearly had a panic attack and decided to tell him everything. That night, Laszlo had made a promise that he would never betray him, and he was still keeping his promise. That night, he also found that before Percy came, he was the one who did the duties of a commander and that he was very grateful to leave those duties. Laszlo had always admired Percy's leadership abilities and was relieved to hand over command of the ship. He knew that Percy's presence gave the soldiers a sense of security and solidarity, allowing Laszlo to focus on other important responsibilities within their camp.

As he neared the door, he shrunk the armour into his belt and entered the office without knocking on the door.

Just as he entered the office, a familiar voice greeted him.

"Hey Zaley", and yes, that was a thing now; he and Laszlo were friends, best friends even, and he tended to call him 'zaley' now and then.

Percy pushed the hood off his face and asked

"What are you doing here? You were supposed to be with me in the training room" while walking towards the chair in front of the table and turned to Chaos, smiling at him in greeting, who just waved at him and continued to frantically sign the papers that he guessed were supposed to be regarding the renovation of the Horse stables and were due today.

"Well, the Lord gave me a call that I answered, and I've been sitting here since then," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Well then, Lord, care to tell us what we are here for; we have duties to attend." Percy asked, turning his head towards the creator.

"Last page to sign," he muttered, and he began signing it. Percy was afraid that he would tear the paper.

"Done," he sighed and called (more like shouted) for the twin, handed her the stack of papers, and asked her to tell the soldiers who were training to head back to other duties. Percy watched as the twin hurriedly took the stack of papers and darted off to deliver the message.

As soon as she was out of the door, Chaos turned towards them and said,

"Now that that's done, let's talk about getting your elite team."

"Huh," Percy breathed out while Laszlo smiled at him.

"Yes, it could be anyone living or dead, and you have a limit of seven people in the team, out of whom one will be your second in command."

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