Chapter 18

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As soon as Percy entered the stall, all the Pegasus's were alert, staring at the stranger who had entered their space. Percy could feel their gaze following him as he moved towards the last stall, where his companion Blackjack was napping. He reached forward to touch the sleek, black wing as he whispered Blackjack's name. The Pegasus stirred awake, his eyes meeting Percy's hooded face, and soon the Pegasus stood at guard, his ears slightly back, his nose wrinkled, and ready to attack at any moment. Percy held his hands up and tried to talk to the Pegasus. He reached out to his friend.

"Hey buddy, I hope you remember me."

The Pegasus staggered back in shock upon hearing the voice.

"Did you forget me already?"

"Boss!" the Pegasus exclaimed in Percy's mind once he recognised the voice. Percy smiled, relieved that his friend remembered. The Pegasus neighed loudly, disturbing the other Pegasus's in the stables. He was excited to see Percy again after so long. Percy gently approached him, patting his neck and whispering words of reassurance. The Pegasus nuzzled against him. But soon the black steed pushed the demigod away and huffed.

"Where were you, boss? Do you know how much I searched for you? They don't give me donuts and sugar cubes, and they can't even ride me properly, and what's with this weird thing covering your face?" he rushed to ask. Percy chuckled at the Pegasus's complaints, understanding his frustration. "I'm sorry, Blackjack," he said, removing his hood. "I had to go, but I'm back now." Blackjack snorted in response, clearly not impressed with Percy's explanation. Percy reached out to pat Blackjack's mane, trying to soothe the creature's annoyance.

"Next time, bring me some donuts at least," Blackjack said with a hint of exasperation. Percy patted his neck and promised, "I'll make it up to you, buddy. Let's go for a long ride now, for old times sake." Blackjack seemed to brighten up at the idea, nodding his head in agreement.

Soon the Pegasus was out of the stables, ready to fly off with Percy in tow, but before he could mount on the back of the majestic creature, Percy heard a loud crash from behind the stables. Startled, he turned around and saw an energetic and playful hellhound looking way too excited and ready to pounce on Percy with her tail wildly thumping on the ground. Percy chuckled at the sight of the enthusiastic hellhound, realising that she must have followed his scent. He couldn't help but feel grateful for her unexpected company on their ride. Percy's heart skipped a beat as he realised that Mrs. O'Leary, the hellhound, had somehow found her way to the back of the stables. He couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm, knowing that their ride might have to wait a little longer. Mrs. O'Leary bounded towards Percy, her large paws kicking up dirt as she wagged her tail furiously.

Blackjack neighed in annoyance at the arrival of the hellhound. Percy patted his side in reassurance and said, "Just a few minutes."

Mrs. O'Leary nudged Percy playfully, her warm breath tickling his face. "Hello, Mrs. O'Leary, what are you doing here?" The giant hellhound just let out a loud bark and continued to wag her tail. Percy chuckled and scratched Mrs. O'Leary behind her ears. "Why don't you wait here for a while? I'll return and play with you later?" Mrs. O'Leary whined softly but obediently sat down, her eyes fixed on Percy as he walked away.

Percy turned back and waved at Mrs. O'Leary. As he walked towards Blackjack, the Pegasus snorted in disapproval but followed Percy nonetheless.

"Let's go, buddy," Percy said to the Pegasus as he climbed onto Blackjack's back.

"Where to, boss?"

"Sally Jackson's apartment." 

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