Chapter 25

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The Roman campers arrived, and the camp was alive with chatter as everyone reassembled in the dining pavilion to discuss the impending disaster hanging over their heads. The mood was uncomfortable, but the campers tried to lift their spirits by sharing stories and jokes, distracting themselves from the looming threat.

Dionysus hit his can of diet coke on the table, causing a few campers to jump in surprise. He let out a loud belch and a yawn, "We have important matters to discuss, it seems."

Chiron stood up from his sitting position and announced, "Introductions are due first."

The campers sat straight in their seats, while the Romans stood up, looking straight ahead at the hooded figures across the table. Chiron continued, "Let us begin with our friends from Camp Jupiter."

The Romans nodded in acknowledgement, ready to share their name and godly parent with the newcomers and apparent allies. After the Roman campers were done introducing themselves to the members of the elite team, the team stepped forward for their introductions. First, Zale took a step forward and nodded towards the Romans and spoke in the same voice that he used while addressing the army back at Chaos Planet. "We are the elite team of the Lord Chaos, I am Zale, commander of the Chaos army and his personal assassin."

His voice boomed across the dining pavilion and sent shivers down the spine of everyone present. Even the members of the elite, even after working, training, and befriending him once again for years, he was still a mystery for them, Even if they knew so much about him, they sure knew about his past with them and his past without them, and what happened, but they still did not know what happened at his assassin duties; they only knew that he disappeared for a few days and then returned back some days later with a few scratches, They still did not know how strong his powers were, both as a son of Poseidon and Chaos powers, and they were constantly amazed by his ability to manipulate water or any liquid and being able to move from one corner to the other in seconds or listen to things happening in other rooms, but they have also seen him blast monsters just by looking them in its eyes, they have seen as its gold liquid like blood drip from its eyes, nose, and ears; they have seen the monsters bleed to death without having to move a bit, they have seen him freeze the enemies in thin air, they have seen him move in the pitch dark at a speed that was not possible for human legs and slash the monster to bits. Zale was terrifying in the field. Despite their efforts to uncover his secrets, he remained a mystery, leaving them in stunned amazement and terrified by his mysterious abilities . Zale's presence on the battlefield was truly breathtaking, creating fear and wonder in anyone who observed his outstanding skills, technique, strength, and stealth. His mysterious nature just added to the aura of dread and mystery that enveloped him.

After Zale, Ìroas, Fotià, Drakon, Astèri, Skià, and Vèlos all moved forward and introduced themselves and formed their triangle around their leader.

The Romans had their eyebrows raised at the introductions, doubt clouding their minds at the hooded figures who claimed they were allies. The members of the elite team were definitely confused about the Romans and were amazed looking at the strangers who were just the same as them but from a different camp, but Zale looked at them with bitterness, The members definitely felt the air change around him, they were sure his eyes were changing colours under his hood at the sight of the Romans. They were aware of Zale's past with the Romans, and his reaction alarmed the rest of the team as they prepared for what was coming. The tension in the air was obvious as they waited for Zale to speak.

Zale's clenched fists and narrowed eyes indicated that he was ready to confront the Romans, his past distrust towards them evident. Zale was known to be a cool, calm and collected commander, and a person there was nothing that could faze him, but he was still just a demigod and a human in fancy battle gear held at high position; he was still young, he was still reactive to his emotions, and he channeled his anger on dummies in the training room that were shredded to pieces in minutes or the monsters that would come in his way were torn into bite size pieces or blasted into thin air.

It was clear that Zale's emotions were running high and that the upcoming confrontation with the Romans would be intense. The team braced themselves for a potentially explosive situation, unsure of how Zale would react, but surprisingly, he let out a soft breath and said,

"I think we should begin with our meeting."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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