Chapter 2

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There was a flash of light, followed by

'hello, little brother'

There was a man standing there, and he radiated power—power that felt godlike. He appeared to be in his late twenties and a mirror image of Percy, although slightly older. If we kept Percy, this new man, and Poseidon next to each other, it would look like Percy was just getting old. It was strange. The said man was dressed in a plain black shirt, light-washed jeans, and black sneakers. We could hear and see Aphrodite children staring and giggling like idiots, but we were all staring at the said man. Percy looked like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole, but the unknown man was frowning. Then Percy said something that surprised us.


From every direction, Percy heard shocked gasps, felt everyone's stares (which had to be frightening because your heavenly sibling does not appear to see you and talk to you; all they do is scowl at you; Percy and Triton were the same), and Annabeth's eyes were fixed on him. 'What's wrong with her?' he wondered.

But his main worry at the moment was, 'What's this jerk doing here?'

From the corner of his eye, he saw Chiron rise from his wheelchair, but Triton raised his hand to stop him, which he did, and he stomped his way towards Percy, and when he said'stomped,' he meant it. He stomped his way over and sat down next to him. After the war with Kornos, they were on talking terms (more like they were forced to talk with each other by their dad, but that's not the point).

"What are you doing here?" Percy hissed at him.

But instead of answering, he questioned, "What's happening here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why is Father mad? He is making the waters restless. What did you do?" Now Percy just gaped at him.

"Why do you think I did something? Can't he be mad at something else?" He could feel everyone staring at him.

"Maybe because you are my father's favourite," Triton exclaimed, cue all gasps were heard.

"Oh, come on, Triton, I did not do anything."

"Then why was Father called up on Olympus with all these weaklings?" The campers, especially Ares Cabin, began to yell in protest. The campers gave him a stare, and if looks could kill, Triton would have been dead by now. However, Triton simply glared back at them, which was enough to shut them up.

He frowned at him and said, "What do you mean dad was called on Olympus with campers?"

"Yes," he shot back, his glare still fixed on the campers.

"Are you sure?" Still believing they would not tell him about a meeting, Percy questioned him.

"Why do you think I'm here then? " He hissed at his younger brother. Now it was Percy's turn to glare at them, most pointedly at Annabeth and Chiron. "Why did I not know about this?" he asked at the same time Nico shouted, "There was a meeting, and Hades was not invited."

Well, that made two of them who did not know about this. Triton ignored Nico and asked him, "You did not know about this."

"No!" I nearly shouted at him, still glaring at them. "Aren't you supposed to have some kind of position in this camp?" he asked. Percy could feel Triton staring at him with eyes that were the same as his. It felt weird, but he was busy glaring.
The campers were just looking back and forth between Annabeth, Chiron, Percy, and Triton, trying not to squirm under Percy's deadly glare that he had learned from Lupa, knowing that he was not going to answer him. Triton just sighed and stood up.
"Okay, little brother, I'll see you again."
"Do not call me little brother." Percy frowned at him.
"Well, little brother, I am actually older than you, and when I say older, I mean hundreds of years older than you and all your little buddies, so you get to be little brother and Tyson gets to be baby brother." Percy just scowled at him, to which the asshole just gave him a smile.

"Okay, then, old man," he said, grinning cheekily at him, but all he did was scowl and brush his already unruly hair, making it much messier. With one final smile, Triton vanished, leaving behind a crisp wind. He cracked a small smile.

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