Chapter 3

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Percy glared at the campers and stood up from his seat. He was angry; everyone knew about this, and his eyes reflected his anger. After Tartaurs Percy's eyes started showing his anger, whenever Percy got angry, his eyes changed their colour; they became murky and wild, and right now his eyes were changing colours; the colour was changing as if a lake that has been covered in waste and seaweed for years, even the sea was going wild. No one knew if it was Percy's anger reflecting or Poseidon; everyone knew the sea was moody since that council meeting held on Olympus.

Percy could not understand why he was feeling so angry or why his emotions were all over the place. Maybe it was his frustration of waking up every day covered in sweat trying hard to breathe, Annabeth ignoring him, all those glares or pitiful looks that he received, or maybe the campers were doing things behind his back. He did not understand what to do or how he should feel in this situation.

Chiron anxiously stood up to his full height and stepped near Percy, but he stopped him and asked, "Why?"

Chiron couldn't respond; he did not know how to answer Percy, but Annabeth did that for him. With a slight edge to her voice, "Percy," she said.

Percy's head snapped towards her so fast that it was a surprise he didn't get a whiplash. "We were going to tell you."
Percy just let out a low growl. By now, Grover and Nico were standing behind Percy, Grover with his hand on his left shoulder and Nico with his hand on Percy's right forearm tight enough to calm him down—something that until a few days ago Annabeth used to do—something without their knowing helped Percy get his emotions in line. He will always be thankful to them for that. His eyes were slowly changing back; his expression cooled down, but Percy quickly schooled his expressions into his most stoic face. But the sea was still wild. Maybe it was Poseidon whose anger was being reflected upon the sea.
Chiron trotted over to Percy, but he was still staring at Annabeth, silently asking her to answer his question. When she did not reply, he once again asked, "When?" Annabeth cleared her throat but answered, "Whenever the next meeting takes place."
"What happened in the meeting?" Percy asked; he was getting irritated. He wanted to splash everyone with water. No one was answering him properly.
Everyone could see Percy was trying to not get angry once again; his expressions were going wild and his eyes were changing colours rapidly, but Grover and Nico were grounding him. The heat seeping from their hands was enough, and Chiron standing near him was enough to comfort him.

Annabeth tried to compose a hard look on her face, but she could not look at Percy, not when he was staring down at her with his sea green eyes full of betrayal, irritation, and anger.

"I can't tell you," her voice was hard, masking out all emotions, her stormy grey eyes daring, telling it was her final statement.

"Why?" Percy asked, his voice void of any emotions just like his eyes were; he had schooled his emotions as soon as Annabeth had answered him, and an emotionless Percy was scary, but Annabeth answered him, "We swore on Styx, all of us who were present there."

A moment of silence passed, and no one dared to speak or move from their place. Percy just turned around and left the dining pavilion in the direction of the beach. Nico was about to follow the son of Poseidon, but Grover stopped him, shaking his head in a universal sign of no, and said, "After some time."

Nico just nodded and looked at Will, who was frowning. His eyes were full of guilt and confusion. Slowly, everyone left the pavilion. The only ones who were standing were a grumbling Mr. D, Chiron, Annabeth, Grover, and Nico. No one knew what to do or say; they just awkwardly stood there.

"I will talk to him; just let him be alone for some time." Grover spoke, breaking the silence, looking at Chiron, but Nico immediately said, "I'll come with you," his voice firm, leaving no room for argument. While Chiron decided to speak with gods and left with Mr. D following him, muttering something about teenage angst, and Nico went to the infirmary where Will had gone, Grover went to meet Juniper. Annabeth stood there frozen in her spot, her emotions in turmoil, the gentle breeze of the now calm sea caressing her face, and then she turned around.

Percy had walked on the shore. The waves were crashing down the shore roughly, but his mind was blank of any thoughts or emotions. He could not think of anything; he just kept walking like he was in some kind of trance until he was in knee-deep water. He later noticed that as soon as his feet touched the sea, it had calmed down. The waves were now gentle, the soft wind felt like feathers, and his already messy hair was swaying in the wind. The scent of the beach helped him feel at ease and come back to reality. He sat down in the water, allowing it to wet him. The water was cool and reached his chest. It felt peaceful, and it helped him to think about the situation at hand. After nearly half an hour, which felt like a few minutes to Percy, he heard footsteps coming his way. He smiled, knowing who they were.

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