Chapter 12

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As Persephone returned to earth, Hades sat alone on his throne. The Lord of the Underworld was busy sorting through the papers handed to him one by one by a small Asian grandmother. The atmosphere in the underworld was tense, as Hades meticulously reviewed each document with a furrowed brow. The small Asian grandmother, known for her meticulous record-keeping, seemed to be the only one capable of assisting him in this daunting task.

Suddenly, a little black swirl appeared in the centre of the empty courtroom. The guards began to form a ring around the gateway that was forming in front of them. Hades rose from his seat and approached the entrance, which had grown to his size. As the portal expanded, the room became uncomfortable. and whispers of alarm circulated among the guards. Hades, on the other hand, remained calm, his gaze fixated on the swirling darkness before him. A silhouette began to emerge from the portal gradually, the silhouette becoming clearer with each passing instant.

The guards aimed their weapons at the figure slowly emerging from the portal, standing to guard. The man emitted strength far greater than that of the gods, even the Titans. As the figure stepped fully out of the portal, towering over everyone in the room, the mood became tense. The anxiety in the guards' faces was evident, and their weapons trembled in their hands. Hades, on the other hand, stood firm, unaffected by the mystery man's immense power.
The oldest of the big three immediately recognised the man standing in front of him, wearing a three-piece suit and a mischievous smile. Hades signalled the guards to lower their weapons and ordered everyone to leave the room. The mystery man's piercing gaze seemed to penetrate the very souls of those in the room, leaving them feeling vulnerable and exposed. Hades knew that this encounter was not one to be taken lightly, as he sensed an air of familiarity in the man's presence. He couldn't help but wonder what had brought this powerful figure to his domain.

He bowed and greeted the Creator.

"My Lord, what brings you here?"

"I need some heroes for my army," Chaos said, getting straight to the point. Hades looked surprised but quickly recovered.

"My lord i-"

"I need Luke Castellan, Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, Zoé Nightshade, Bianca Di Angelo, and Lee Fletcher," Chaos said, not giving Hades a place to continue.

"Okay, my Lord," Hades said hesitantly. He was not going to argue with the Creator, and Chaos had a good record of being on the good side, unlike others.

Hades was still confused about the souls but decided not to question them.

When all the souls were brought into the courtroom, they looked confused, as it had never happened that they were summoned by the Lord of the Underworld, but seeing the other man with them who radiated power, they looked slightly panicked.

The man with ultimate power cleared his throat and introduced himself.

"I'm chaos"

All six souls looked at him dumbfounded, while Lee let out a squeak of surprise. The creator let out a chuckle but quickly composed himself.

"I would like you all to join my elite team," he said.

"What is an Elite team?"

It was Bianca who broke the silence when she heard the term "elite team." They had never heard anything like that before, and they didn't want to make the same mistakes they had made in the past, particularly Bianca, who had left her brother to join hunters; Luke, who had made the wrong decision and then realised it was too late; they then struggled to win back these friends' trust while they were here; and finally, Silena, who had turned spy and ended up killing herself and her boyfriend. They committed to learning from their mistakes going forward.

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