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The war with Gaia had ended; many campers had lost their lives and many were injured, and the Romans and the Hunters of Artemis had returned to their camp. The shrouds were burned during the campfire; even gods had come down for the last rituals of their dead children. The campers in the infirmary were being treated by the Apollo campers with a little help from their father, and Nico had decided to work with his father but also return to the camp every few days. Friendship was sparking between him and the son of Apollo. Leo was travelling somewhere around the world on Festus looking for Calypso; no one knew where he was, how he was doing, or if he was even alive. Grover had returned to the wild, but not before hugging the life out of Percy. Tyson left for the palace after spending two days with Percy. On the third day, Percy and Annabeth went to meet Sally and Paul on blackjack with the promise of donuts after they returned to the camp. Percy stayed there for a week while Annabeth returned to the camp, saying Percy needed to spend his time with his family, but not before going out on their date.

When Percy returned to the camp he saw that the camp was being built again. The environment was gloomy, campers were still mourning for their dead siblings, but he knew they were going to get through it, they would come back stronger and happier than they were before.

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