Chapter five

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London, 2024

London, 2024

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They push through the foliage, their footsteps muffled by the soft earth beneath them. Her mother felt the safeness protrude from her well-being that she started to tremble. She glanced nervously around, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow, as if her past was replayed so many times and saw different versions of herself, half expecting to see something lurking in the darkness.

"Carmen! Where are you?" Orla Saunders shouted as her voice broke.

"Orla!" Richard intervened. "We will find her well and alive, don't worry."

"Don't be so sure, Richard."

"Keep calling, mom. She might hear us!"

Mindy reached out, placing a trembling hand on Orla's shoulder. She could feel Orla's tension rising beneath the surface of her skin, a palpable manifestation of fear.

"How did she just disappear like this? We need to find her."

"Woman, she is over eighteen. Mind you, she is nineteen, going to be twenty in a few months, alright?" Richard declared in frustration. "She just got tired of us and wanted to move out."

Mindy felt a wave of sadness wash over her and she hoped that she might see her sister again. It just not hit right like it used to. She longed for her parents to see beyond their own hurt, anger, confusion, to understand that the best is to cooperate if they wanted to find Carmen.

"How can you say that? She is just eighteen! You don't even know in which grade is she!" Orla's voice rose in protest and disbelief.

"She always tells us where she is going," Mindy intervened. "She must be fucking mad at you, I would do that too!"

"Mindy, don't intrerrupt us, please."

"I am sorry..." Mindy said, as she let her head down.

"Don't be like Carmen, Mindy. She is a bad example!"

"Age eighteen, 5 foot 9, weight unknown, hair brown...What clothes did she last wear before her disappearance?"

"A tank top with jeans." Orla answered.


"Around 127 pounds.""

The forest seemed to close in around them, the shadows deepening with each passing moment. The air grew thick with tension, their senses heightened to every rustle of leaves and every whisper of wind, the whispers they thought they were Carmen's, but it was pointless.

"How did Carmen disappear, Miss Saunders?"

"I...I saw her the last time on January 1," she stammered, her eyes clouded with uncertainty "She was upstairs in her bedroom, after midnight."

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