Chapter seventeen

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"Hello, Angelo. We need to record another interrogation. Are you cool with this?" Carmen stated as she walked down with him and Yvonne in the warehouse.

The warehouse sits in a desolate industrial area, surrounded by chain-link fences. The exterior is a metal structure with faded paint and windows patched with cardboard. A barely legible sign above the entrance reads "Auto Emporium" in crooked, hand-painted letters.

Inside, the rows of cars are arranged in a way they most likely will crash, many with mismatched paint jobs and new license plates.

"Of course, Yvonne. Come here, girls," Angelo said, his voice wavering slightly.

The office in the corner is a cluttered mess of outdated computers, stacks of dubious paperwork, and overflowing ashtrays full of ash.

"Now, look at me. Everything you'll say at this point is important or it can be used against you," Carmen instructed, her tone firm.

"One, two, three...Action!" Yvonne shouted before starting the camera, poised to capture once again the entire interrogation.

"How did it start, Angelo?" Carmen inquired, pressing her pencil on paper.

Angelo took a deep breath, still trembling. "It all started a year ago," he began. "I got in deep with some shady people involved in illegal activities. They were using this fucking empty warehouse I owned for illicit purposes."

"What kind of illegal activities?" Carmen pressed, listening intently.

"Drug trafficking, smuggling weapons, forgery ring. They'd strong-arm me into lending them the space."

"Go on,"

"Eventually I owed them a lot of money. That's when I met Jordan. He was their... enforcer, of sorts. He said if I didn't pay up, they'd hurt me and my family." Angelo swallowed hard. "So I started laundering money for them through a fake car business. That's how I met Lola and Marwin."

"And do they know the full extent of your operation?" Carmen asked, leaning forward.

Angelo shook his head. "No, I kept them in the dark. Marwin's a good friend of Jordan, but Lola started asking way too many questions. I think she was getting suspicious and I had to make her somehow shut up."

A knot was forming in Carmen's stomach as the full scope of the conspiracy began to take shape, but she needed the whole truth. "What else aren't you telling me, Angelo?" she demanded.

Angelo took a shaky breath. "The night Lola disappeared...It was because of me. I told Jordan she was a liability, he couldn't take care of her in that state. I didn't mean for her to get hurt, I swear!"

"Do you know you are in a very vulnerable place right now that you need to be taken under arrest and detained?" Carmen asked, her voice tinged with incredulity.

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