Chapter eight

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first cassette-two notes

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first cassette-two notes

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Carmen was lounging on the couch, flipping through a magazine in the late afternoon sunlight, when she heard the front door swing open with force. She looked up to see Yvonne rushing into the living room, a frantic look in her eyes.

"Hey, Carmen!" Yvonne shouted, rushing into the living room where Carmen was lounging on the couch, flipping through a magazine.

"Hm?" Carmen looked up, raising an eyebrow.

"Where is Lola?" Yvonne asked, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Lola? She might be at the swimming pool," Carmen replied nonchalantly, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

"No, I checked out," Yvonne said, running a hand through her hair, clearly agitated. "Do you know where she might be?" she asked, pacing back and forth, the sunlight streaming through the windows casting long shadows on the hardwood floor.

"But you just told me days ago to not worry," Carmen reminded her, setting the magazine down and giving her Carmen's full attention.

"This time is different," Yvonne insisted, her voice intense. "She left a note on the counter," she continued, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and smoothing it out.

"Something tells me that there's something wrong," Carmen added, her eyes scanning the hastily scrawled message once more.

"Why?" Yvonne asked, concern creeping into her voice as she leaned forward, trying to read the note from across the room.

"She usually messages and calls us," Carmen explained, "But this time, there's been nothing. No texts, no calls. Just this note you mentioned."

Yvonne stood up, crossing the room to take the note from Carmen's hands. She felt a pit form in her stomach. Carmen was right. As she read it, a chill ran down her spine. The note was brief and vague, not at all like Lola's usual bubbly communication. Unusual.

Carmen's eyes scanned the hastily scrawled note, a chill going down her spine at its vague and brief tone. Carmen and Yvonne's worry intensified as they began connecting the strange dots, desperate to find their missing friend.

"We need to find her," Carmen said decisively, looking up at Yvonne. "Let's retrace her steps and figure out where she could have gone."

Carmen felt a knot in her stomach as she looked around and saw Lola's laptop on the nightstand.

"Any idea where she most likely might be?" Yvonne asked, her voice strained with worry.

"I dunno, I saw her at the charity event." Carmen replied, her brow furrowing as she tried to recall the details.

Yvonne racked her brains. "That's right, I saw her at the event too. Then wasn't she leaving with..." Her voice trailed off as she suddenly remembered. "Angelo! Call Angelo. Now!" she demanded, urgency rising in her voice.

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