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"You never told me your name" I said looking over towards the man I just met at the club as we walked side by side towards the direction of my apartment

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"You never told me your name" I said looking over towards the man I just met at the club as we walked side by side towards the direction of my apartment. Sounds of the clubs music faded away behind us as we walked down the street.

He stood far, but keeping in step with me as we walked and he kept looking around nervously.

"It's uhm"

I turned to face him as he nervously cleared his throat. We both had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and he was rubbing at the back of his neck, avoiding all eye contact.

"It's Greg"

Why are you lying?

"Greg?" I questioned and turned back around to begin walking again. From behind, I could hear the scuffle of his shoes.

"Yeah what's wrong with Greg?"

"Nothing, do you want to grab some Brewskis? I'm out at the apartment"

Greg made a noise that sounded displeased and he caught up to walk beside me again. I looked sideways to see him looking down at the concrete as we walked.
"Brewskis? What the hell man" he scoffed.

I led us across the street towards the small mini mart that was around the block from my apartment.

"Brewskis I just haven't heard that one before" Greg commented with a breathy laugh. As we approached the Mini mart, he walked towards the side of it going to round the corner. "I'm going to take a leak"

"Okay you don't want anything?" I questioned.

"Get me a blue moon or something" he dismissed looking very flustered as he disappeared behind the building.

Maybe he has a wife at home maybe that's why he's using a fake name

I walked into the mini mart ignoring the cashier arguing with some hooligan over lottery tickets off to my right and walked to the back of the mart to the beer coolers.

Blue moon Blue moon

I opened the cooler and grabbed a tall boy of blue moon with a case of my usual, pacing down the chip aisle to the front, standing at cashier counter who was now available, but her coworker was next to her talking.

"Did you hear about the killer on the loose?" I overheard her ask and I tried my hardest to remain neutral, placing the brewskis onto the counter.

"Yeah he's in Milwaukee I guess he killed someone over there and ran" The cashier responded, looking from me to her co worker.

I could feel my throat start to tighten and I coughed, clearing my throat. My eyes darted between the two mini mart employees, thinking of all the things I could do to them.

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