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Silence grew between us and I wanted to asked where we were headed but I think I spooked Ted by touching him

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Silence grew between us and I wanted to asked where we were headed but I think I spooked Ted by touching him. All I wanted to do was secure us, make sure we had money. The silence was becoming unbearable, I kept watching Ted from out of the corner of my eye while trying to pay attention to the road ahead.

"You know" Ted spoke up and I glanced over to see he was still tense. "You could've really gotten us caught back there"
"But we didn't get caught and now we have cash! Isn't that good?"

I flinched as his hand came down to punch the glove compartment.

"It's not good Jeff, that place had cameras"
"So we will go someplace far" I argued.
"Like where Jeff?" Ted spat and I sighed loudly, causing him to snort in frustration.
"We need to find somewhere to lay low for awhile, figure shit out"
"No shit sherlock" he teased and we both laughed in unison releasing the tension between us.

"Wait Ted, we left the body back there I should've taken it"
"Oh really? So we would have to bury another thing"
"You think they're gonna get us?"

The question lingered in the air between us. As time passed, the road we were on turned into something more suburban, houses lined on either side. I felt tired, it's been a long couple of days.

"Ted" I mumbled. No answer. I peeked over to see Ted fast asleep against the car door. I couldn't help but think he looked peaceful, lying there sound sleep.

Coming up on our left, was a sign for a hotel so I decided to pull into it. There was a winding road to go down before you reached the actual hotel.

As I turned down the road, I could hear Ted starting to wake up beside me.

"Where are we?" He rasped and stretched, yawning obnoxiously.
"A hotel"

I glanced over to see him looking a bit skeptical but we were both tired, we needed to rest it was a long day.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Ted asked and I shrugged.

I pulled into the hotel parking lot and shut off the car. We sat there, observing the hotel. There were three cars parked. It looked like your typical run down hotel.

"We have to lay low" Ted instructed, breaking the silence.
"I know that"
"In and out, once we're in the room we don't leave the room till the morning like asscrack of morn"

I watched as Ted looked over his shoulder into the back seat and grabbed something out of it, handing it over to me.
"Put this hat on"
I took the fedora and placed it on my head, giving myself a glance in the rearview mirror.
"This is ugly as hell" I commented and he snorted, giving the brim a tap.
"Looks great on ya, Jeff"

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