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We ended up at a gas station nearing Illinois, dumpster diving for anything to put on our feet

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We ended up at a gas station nearing Illinois, dumpster diving for anything to put on our feet. Jeff found a pair of old work boots, leaving me with red worn out moccasins. I was in one of the aisles looking for my favorite gas station snack, an apple strudel when suddenly, there was a loud scream coming from the front of the gas station.


I ran towards the man's voice, dropping the apple strudel in the process. Deep down I was hoping it was Jeff. To my surprise, when I arrived to see the scene unfold it was. He had his hands around the cashiers throat, yanking her over the counter.

I don't know what took over me, I came up behind Jeff staring directly into the woman's eyes. She was screaming, eyes bulging out of her head while wiggling in his grasp.

"Give it to us" I said firmly, giving her a warning look.

My eyes instantly checked for possible witnesses. "Jeff, we are on camera" I said as I caught glimpse of two security cameras. One in front of the cashier and the other angled by the front door.

"You heard the man, give us the money" Jeff said flatly and I watched as he let go of the woman and she instantly ran to the other side of the counter, picking up a phone.

"FUCKING HELL" Jeff yelled and jumped over the counter in a rage. My eyes darted for the entrance of the gas station, luckily no one was here it was pretty remote. I went to go dart behind the counter and I feverishly, pressed the buttons on the register to try and get it opened.

I froze as from my right, the sounds a something snapping caught me off guard and I looked to see Jeff having a choke hold of the cashier.

"Did you just?" I asked dumbfounded and jolted back as Jeff dropped her lifeless body onto the floor.

"What? Break her neck?" He questioned with a playful sly look. Like he just accomplished something huge. I backed away as he stepped closer to me, he had this enraged look across his face which honestly, was startling and he banged the register causing it to pop open.

I watched as he didn't say a word but walked past me and in front of the counter towards the exit. In a rush, I grabbed all the money that would fit in my pockets and on the way out snagged my apple strudel sticking it in my mouth.

As I left the gas station, Jeff pulled up and I walked around to get into the passengers seat. As we pulled away, in the rearview mirror, far away in the distance police sirens flashed.

"We got lucky you know Jeff that could've been real sticky"

I turned around, to watch the flashing sirens fade away the further we got.

"Well, we were going to need that" Jeff coldly said and I gasped, as his hand came across to rest on my knee.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"We're a good team you know"

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