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I've never had another person shower at my place before is he going to need any clothes? He is a fugitive I shouldn't even be thinking about helping him

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I've never had another person shower at my place before is he going to need any clothes? He is a fugitive I shouldn't even be thinking about helping him. But, I couldn't keep my mind out of the gutter, he was so attractive.

Will I be an accomplice? Keep Ted here. That will only draw attention to my hobby.

My compulsion

I needed to clear my mind and also, get rid of everything in my room that was blood stained. I walked from the living room passing by the bathroom door, stopping curiously and pressed my ear against the door.

There was some shuffling around with the water running. He's fine I will just get him some clothes and get this bad stuff out of here but first, I needed to put on my favorite movie.

I paced to my room, glaring over at the bloody mattress and turned to my TV, pressing rewind on the VHS tape that was already popped in.

"Fuck the blood" I whispered under my breath and turned around looking down at my bed. I didn't do laundry this week so a top sheet will have to do.

Ted can't know what I've been doing, he's a criminal he will hurt me. I froze at the sound of the bathroom door creaking open.

"Hey Jeff do you have any clothes I could borrow?" Ted shouted from the hall, panic set in as none of the blood was gone from the bed. I looked over at the VHS player as the tape stopped and began to play the exorcist. 

"Yeah let me grab you some stuff hold on"

My compulsion is here

Something in me wanted to kill him, If he came wandering around he would see my hobby and want to murder me.

I paced to my dresser and pulled out some old sweats with a stained T shirt, walking over to the doorframe of my room to find Ted standing in the bathroom doorway with a towel hung long around his waist.

My eyes wandered down his wet torso and back up to his face to see him smiling at me coyly, like a cat.

"Eyes up here Jeff"
"I'm not gay"
"Oh then why were you at a gay club?"

It was true, that club was a gay club but coming to terms with my sexuality was annoying.

"Just looking"

Ted laughed, snatching the clothing out of my hands and going back into the bathroom.

"I doubt it was just looking but okay"
"A guy can't look?"
"Look at other men? Isn't that homosexual?" Ted rasped breathing out a laugh.

I snarled, slamming my fist into the nearest wall and walked back into my room. Sounds of screaming played in the background from the movie and I sat on the edge of my bed, looking up at the movie.

"Did you just punch the wall? Oh my god Jeff your bed?" Ted worriedly said as he looked at the wall outside my bedroom and then peered into my room curiously. He prowled in slowly, glancing at the TV with a raised eyebrow. "What are you watching?"

I waved him on, ignoring his questions as it was getting to my favorite part of the movie.

"Seriously man it stinks in here you need to deep clean or something"

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