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As I stood across the street from the bar that nice lady suggested to me earlier back at the diner, I couldn't help but graze my eyes over the pink and blue neon sign that hung above it that read:

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As I stood across the street from the bar that nice lady suggested to me earlier back at the diner, I couldn't help but graze my eyes over the pink and blue neon sign that hung above it that read:

Club 219

What did the 219 stand for? Isn't the area code around here 414?

I reached in the back pocket of my jeans grabbing my cigarette case and popped it, grabbing one and pressing it firmly to my lips. My head whipped around as I heard a group of men laughing right beside me just passing by.

There was no way they knew what I just did

Paranoia set in, so I crossed the street making sure traffic was clear and made my way to get in line, keeping my head down to stay low.

As I waited in line, every couple seconds getting closer to the bouncer I lit my cigarette, blowing the smoke up into the night air.

I need a drink, today was difficult not my usual routine

I stopped infront of the bouncer, smirking coyly at him as he waited for me to show my ID which I didn't have.

"Hey I forgot my ID at home"

"Sorry I can't let you in"

"Come on.. can't you tell I'm of age?" I teased, motioning with the hand that had the cigarette to my body. I looked adult, did I act it? Well that's up for debate.

I watched intently, watching as he motioned to a guy in a suit behind him and whispered in his ear, making some sort of negotiation.

I watched as they both looked me up and down in a judgmental manner.
"Okay come on in don't tell okay?" The bouncer explained, leaning into my space a bit. He grabbed my hand and stamped the back of it. I put out my cigarette on the wall and looked down laughing at what the stamp said on my hand.

"Yes Bitch?" I questioned aloud and the bouncer rolled his eyes waving his hand for me to get a moving.

I walked into the loud bumping club, it wasn't packed but there was a decent crowd, passing by multiple men trying to dance with me dodging them and gunning for the bar.

"Vodka soda and make it a double" I shouted to the bartender as she came down towards my area of the bar. Once I put my order in I slapped my hand on top of the bar and went to spin around to face the dance floor.

"I'll take that as well" A voice said from beside me and I looked sideways to see a blonde haired man in a collared striped T shirt with these big aviator reading glasses on gawking at me like I was a $30 steak.

"What was that?" I shouted over the music so he could hear me.

"I want what you're having is that okay?" He said playfully, leaning closer towards me matching my stance. We both faced the dance floor, with our hands propped up on the bar, leaning against it.

Why are you mirroring me?

"I haven't seen you here before" I could hear the man slur from beside me and I turned around facing the bar looking at all the different bottles on display. The bartender slapped both our drinks down and before I could process, the man beside me turned and slapped a $20 bill on the bar top in front of me, getting into my personal space.

"No worries I've got it" he said with this sort of insecure confidence.

I half smiled nodding my head in his direction in a thanking him kind of way and turned to face the dance floor.

Shit is this a gay bar?

I watched as the two men on the dance floor in front of me started making out and I turned back around to face the bar. "What the fuck" I whispered under my breath, feeling heat rush to my cheeks and neck.

"Oh yeah this is a gay bar" the man commented. "Is this not your scene?"

"No" I spat with vigor looking over to see the man was taken back a bit but he had this aloofness about him. He leaned back over towards me, playful nudging my shoulder.

"Hey we could go back to my place if you want to get out of here if it makes you uncomfortable" he offered with a shrug. "No pressure oh yeah I should probably tell you my name" he said with a laugh "It's Jeff" he held out his drink towards mine as to signal to clink our cups.

I was hesitant eyeing him from the toe up before clinking my glass against his.

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