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I dug through the dirt, using a rock that I found nearby, huffing and puffing as the ground was damp and the dirt was filled with tiny rock fragments

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I dug through the dirt, using a rock that I found nearby, huffing and puffing as the ground was damp and the dirt was filled with tiny rock fragments. Ted was nearby, of course, smoking a marb that we found in the glove compartment of the car we stole.

"Hurry up, Jeff we don't have all night put your back into it"

"I am trying"

"We need to find a place to sleep tonight"

I grunted loudly, as I felt a piece of rock come up and go under my fingernail. At the point, id much rather go to Jail. Ted was growing impatient next to me, while exhaling his cigarette each time towards me. It was bad enough I was out of breath but now, I had to smell cigarette smoke.

"You shouldn't smoke" I flatly said, growing more and more agitated.


I huffed, scooping the last piece of dirt out of the hole I was making. The woods had become darken, as the sun was setting which made the environment eerie. As I finished up, I sat back on my feet and used a hand to wipe the sweat off my forehead.

"Good job" Ted spat and I looked up to see him,giving me a tiny smirk.

I leaned over to the duffle bag and zipped it open, grabbing the human head and placing it into the hole I just dug. I laid it down slowly, making sure it was gracefully put and shut my eyes.

The guy's head in the ground was my first ever murder. He came with me everywhere, from my grandmas house to my first apartment. Maybe Ted had a point, maybe I was too attached to all of this.

"Do you feel better?" He asked.

"Kind of, I see what you mean now"

"You need to let it go" He said flatly. "You can't be collecting them, that's how you get caught"

"But they've been here for me" I said then realized how pathetic I must sound.

It was true though, once they were lifeless they could never leave me. Everyone always left me, even my own parents.

Wait my parents, I gasped as suddenly I was being yanked to my feet knocking the wind out of my pipes.

"We have to get going it's starting to get dark"

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