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"Jeff I can explain if you just listen to me okay?" I reassured, feeling worried because Jeff seemed calm like he didn't even care what was on the TV about me

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"Jeff I can explain if you just listen to me okay?" I reassured, feeling worried because Jeff seemed calm like he didn't even care what was on the TV about me. I took a good look at him, using my best judgment before unpinning him from the wall slowly while still keeping my eyes on him.

He didn't scream

He didn't even try to run

What happened next rattled me, he grabbed ahold of me by the belt loop and pulled me into him, closing the gap between us.

"Jeff wait" I moaned in protested and breathed against his lips and he just wrapped his hand around my neck snaking his hand into my hair giving it a tug so I couldn't move away.

I felt panicked, feeling completely at a loss and kissed him back even though I had no interest in men. Maybe he was twisted dude that got off on the idea that I was a murderer, I mean some women like that why can't a man?

Why did I kiss him back?

I pushed him off of me, causing him to stare at me. His mouth agape and eye widened out of embarrassment.
"Ted it's okay I won't tell anyone" he pleaded, reaching a hand towards me but I backed away rejecting him but when I looked up, anger was across his face.

"Okay Jeff" I explained trying to wrap my brain around him kissing me. "I just need a minute"

"You're not going to leave are you?" Jeff pleaded sounding desperate. He looked at me, waiting patiently for my answer.

"No hey listen it's been a long night can I use your shower and crash here?" I didn't want to crash at this man's house, but I needed a place to hide out for the night I mean so what if his apartment smells like rotten flesh?

Jeffs frown quickly turned into a smile. The kind of smile that was haunting. I pushed it aside as he showed me to the bathroom

"Take as much time as you need and there's a clean towel in the basket next to the sink"

"Thank you"

Jeff left the hallway and I went into the bathroom and shut the door.

As I ran a shower, I stood infront of the sink and thought about how I felt the need to talk like a child to Jeff. He needed the constant reassurance and the sugarcoating because he was very sensitive.

Which led me into wondering why his apartment smelt like the familiar smell of rotten flesh and blood.

I pulled the shower curtain back and gasped silently, looking at the empty blood bag that was hanging in the shower caddy that read a random name on it with a blood type.

What are you up to Jeff?

Pushing that aside, I showered quickly using what very little shower supplies he had. I stepped onto the towel on the floor, keeping myself quiet as I heard a bunch of shuffling around on the other side of the bathroom door.

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