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It seriously was smelly and Jeff was starting to weird me out

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It seriously was smelly and Jeff was starting to weird me out. That familiar smell was even stronger in his bedroom and there was blood all over his sheets.

I stood near his dresser, with the towel I used in the shower wrapped around my shoulders and flinched as the movie on the small box tv got louder, sounds of a person shrieking filled the room and I caught glimpses of Jeff smiling.

"Are you going to explain the stains on your bed?" I asked, pacing over to sit next to him on the bed but he stopped me by grabbing my arm. I froze, with my arm dangling limp between his legs as he held onto my wrist.

"I - I had a leak from the ceiling" Jeff said, I laughed as he sounded very unconvincing. I glanced up at the ceiling and then to his bed.

"Jeff that doesn't look like a leak" I pressed and Jeff sighed loudly standing up to his feet which made me stand back. He crowded my space, pushing me up against the dresser.

"Why won't you believe me? I told you it's a leak I didn't have time to clean it" he said in a stern voice, I watched as his chest puffed up as he glared at me.

"Jeff come on"

I took a sideways glance to the corner of the room, remembering seeing a blue drum sitting there. What could be in there?

"What's that?"
"It's nothing" jeff gritted through a closed mouth, we were standing a couple inches away from each other and I tried to slip away to go inspect the blue drum but he pushed me up against the wall.
"Dont go" he breathed out against my face.

"You think I'm stupid Jeff?"

The longer I stayed in his apartment the more it made sense. The blood stained bed, the blood bag with the random persons name on it. Jesus, the foul stench.

"What's in the drum Jeff tell me and I won't leave"

I watched as Jeff furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed, pushing away from me and started pacing around the room grabbing his head.
"I can't tell you but I don't want you to leave"
"I just said I won't leave" I reassured.
"You'll tell me on me and then we can't be together"

I stared at him, in awe at his words. In disbelief that he thinks we're going to now be together.

He was delusional, completely insane.

I stepped towards the blue drum and froze as he started to groan while shaking his head. Like a toddler does when they don't get their way.

"No no! Please no"

Sounds of the exorcist played throughout the room and I took one more step towards the drum.

"Ted please" he pleaded "you're not gonna wanna see that"

At this point, I knew what was in here and being this close, the stench was so strong it was sickening. But with everything I've witnessed within the last hours of being in Jeff's apartment, it was clear.

Jeff's not normal and he's consuming human blood or something I'm not entirely sure yet.

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