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I was having such a good time with Ted I didn't want it to end, if he were to look inside that drum it would all be over

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I was having such a good time with Ted I didn't want it to end, if he were to look inside that drum it would all be over.

"I saw the blood bag what is that?" He questioned. I watched from a couple inches away, as he slowly crept backwards towards the drum.

"I needed a transplant"
"So you did a blood transfusion at home?" He laughed.
"I I used to work at a- ah fuck no!"

I lunged forward as Ted grabbed onto the lid of the drum and stood next to him staring down at the drum. I didn't stop him, parts of me wanted to see his disturbed reaction.

"Jeff I already know! Just let me look" Ted pushed, shoving me away.
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"We need to discard of this if I'm going to stay here" He seethed as he started to yank the lid off.

"What" I slowly said and looked down, as the lid came off to come face to face with my little hobby. I'm sure Ted was repulsed, I didn't want to look at him just yet. I was afraid too.


I swallowed hard in my throat and looked over at Ted to see him with an unimpressed look and his nose crinkled.
"This is gross and we need to get rid of it"
"No!" I shouted and walked away, towards the nightstand. He wasn't going to take this away from me. I quickly opened the drawer to the nightstand and gasped loudly as a hand came around to grab at my shoulder whipping me around catching me off balance.

I faced Ted, our faces inches away and we were both panting. He had both his arms on either side of my head, gripping hard on my shoulder blades.

"Stop this game, we need to get rid of this incase the police come searching for me"
"I don't know what to do"
"Let me handle it okay?" He reassured and I nodded, lunging forward to close the gap between us but Ted put a hand onto my chest pushing me away.

Why didn't he want me?

Am I not good enough?

"Why don't you let me do this and you just relax"
"You're just like me"

I watched as Ted's expression turned from kind to cold and he jolted my body.
"Jeff, this is nothing like me we're different okay?"
"But you killed that lady?"
"Jeff you consume people I'm not stupid"

I swallowed and nodded acknowledging his words and backed away from the nightstand, trying to push down the compulsion to kill him.

"I- I'm going to need to hide out for a while let's get this place cleaned up yeah?" Ted announced as he walked out of the bedroom.

I watched his figure walk away, I couldn't help but stare at his exposed skin, taking in his athletic figure.

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