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Walking from the bedroom into the living room, it all came down on me

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Walking from the bedroom into the living room, it all came down on me. I was in this thing now too, not just the murders I did but now I knew about Jeff. How Jeff did not get caught is the question, he was very messy.

See, when it came to me murdering people I was clean about it. I wiped my marks and kept a shallow profile, keeping a mundane life. Jeff for some reason, just went crazy with it letting it all hang loosely in his apartment.

"The woman next door Ted" I turned around to see Jeff in just boxers and ankle socks standing in the kitchen.

"What about her?"

"This will help me so much with dealing with her"

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling confused about what he was getting on about but then I remembered, she was outside her door as we walked by.

"She says she can smell stuff and always reports me, she's trying to get me kicked out"

"Okay there, so let's get this place spotless okay?" I instructed in an agitated way, just wanting to go to sleep but I couldn't I was in too deep now.

"Do you have cleaning supplies?"

We both froze as suddenly, there was a knock on Jeff's apartment door. He looked at me, with a dead expression on his face waiting for me to make the next move.

"What do you want me to say?" I whispered, tip-toeing towards the door.

"Ted, they're after me don't worry let me just open the door" Jeff flatly said and walked to the apartment door.

"Wait, Jeff!" I whispered loudly and within seconds, the front door was being opened to just a crack, because of the chain lock and I crouched, hiding below the kitchen cabinets so they couldn't see me.

"Are you Jeffrey Dahmer?" I overheard a man ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"There was a noise complaint called in for this apartment and we are following up on it"

Shit, the police is Jeff stupid?

"I already told the landlord this morning, I was doing a project for something man"

"Do you mind if we come in and take a look around?" Another man's voice asked.

I gulped, looking over at Jeff to see him shutting the door quickly to undo the chain lock which gave me the perfect opportunity to run into the bathroom. it was quiet and all I heard was footsteps and the men, making noises probably because they couldn't stand the smell. I pressed my ear to the door to listen.

"What is that smell?"

"My fishes died" Jeff flatly said, with his usual emotionless tone.

I wondered, he was a huge compulsive liar he told me something completely different when I walked in.

"Fishes wouldn't smell like that"

The police officer was right, it wouldn't just smell like rotten human flesh.

"Okay, it was the meat in my freezer," Jeff said with annoyance.

"Do you mind if we take a look in your freezer?"

"NO!" Jeff shouted and then cleared his throat "I mean no"

What was in that freezer, Jeff?

"Let us just look in the freezer, if there is nothing we will go"

I could hear Jeff groaning, starting to throw a fucking tantrum and I had to intervene there was no way he was getting out of this. I turned to search through his sink cabinet to find a knife and tucked it in my hand, tightly.

"Do you want to step out of the way Jeff?" I could overhear one of the police officers ask.

I turned back towards the bathroom door and slowly turned the knob, opening the door trying not to make a noise. I crept towards the living room, saw the two police officers backs towards me and I put my finger up to my lips.

"I told you, there is just rotten meat in here" Jeff shouted.

"Jeff I am going to need you to move out of the way" The police

In one swift motion, I came up from behind the first officer spooking him, looking over to see Jeff's eyes were bugging out of his head when he processed what was about to happen. I wrapped my arm around the police officer's neck and stabbed him in the neck five times causing the other police officer to grab for his gun but out of nowhere, Jeff grabbed a steak knife hauling it at the police officer hitting him in the eye and causing him to fall backwards.

I dropped the police officer I stabbed and he rolled to the floor, piling at my feet.

Glancing over to see Jeff, leaning against the kitchen table trying to catch his breath like I was. I realized, this happened like it was scripted, like Jeff knew the plan and we didn't even talk about it.

"Ted, you're bleeding," Jeff said with concern, he paced forward stepping over the dead bodies, and grabbed my arm looking at the cut on my wrist. It must've got cut as I was holding the knife in place.

"I am okay Jeff I-" My voice hitched in my throat as Jeff leaned down, kissing my wrist while moaning.

"Jeff" I breathed out "I am fine really -" I gasped as Jeff lapped his tongue over the cut on my wrist and I yanked my arm away.

"Hey!" Jeff protested and I backed away, dropping the knife onto the floor.

"I think we should figure out how to deal with this even bigger mess"

I gave him a skeptical look, wondering what the hell that little show was, and sighed, leaning down and grabbing the police officer's badge.

"We're going to need to cover this up"

"Or we can run away together, just you and me," Jeff said eagerly.

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