New Exhibition

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Larry's POV:

It's been six months since Kathy's death and it still hurts. I told the police about how max went crazy thinking that the key could open up this stone door and bring across destruction and how he killed Kathy thinking that, that was the only way to do it. I'm on my way to work with nick by my side, he hasn't really left my side since Kat's death and I don't know why. No one is really coping especially me and Ahk. He won't come out of his exhibit and every time someone mentions her or reminds him of her he has this look of sadness and panic in his eyes. He blames himself for all of it but it's not his fault. If it's anyone's it's mine. She's my sister I should have known more about her but I don't... didn't. We enter the museum and it's all most night. Mr Mcphee runs over to me with a worried look.

Mcphee: Larry I need to show you something and I'll understand if your angry or upset.

I look at him confused and I send nick to my office.

Me: What is it?

Mcphee: I think it would be best if I just showed you.

I follow Mcphee to a new aria of the museum and he opens to big doors. What was inside shocked me. It made me feel happy yet sad. In the room was an exhibition dedicated to Kathy. There were boards about her, artefacts that she found and tools that she used and at the back off the room on a piece of what looks like a stone from a pyramid was Kathy. Well a manikin version of her but it looks just like her and she's looking up to the celling witch has hieroglyphics on. I smile and I hear a sigh of relief from Mcphee. (The image at top is what Kathy is wearing and some of the things inside the room)

Mcphee: So you're not angry?

Me: No I think its grate but how long is it going to stay here?

Mcphee: Presently.

My smile goes bigger and Mcphee says that he's going to leave because it's getting dark. Before the sun goes down and after Mcphee leaves I race over to my office and grab nick dragging him to the new exhibition.

Nick: Dad stop it what are you....

Nick stops talking as we enter the room. The sun is now completely gone and Kathy blinks. Nick gets out of my grip and runs into her arms.


Kathy almost falls off the stone she's sitting one but manages to grab onto nick. Nick cries into her shoulder as she holds him close. I walk over and she looks at me and smiles. I smile back and I hug her with nick in-between us.

Me: I missed you so much.

Kathy: Don't worry I'm back now.

Nick ruses off to go and tell the others and I tell Kathy that I will be right back. I walk over to Ahk's exhibit and see him sulking next to his coffin.

Me: Ahk you need to see something.

Ahk: I'm not in the mood.

Me: It's a new exhibition.

Ahk: I don't care.

Me: Ok then I guess you don't want to see Kathy's exhibition them.

Before I can move or say anything Ahk races out of his exhibit. I run after him but stop when Jed and Octavius call me in the hall of miniatures.

Jet: Wow I've never seen him run like that.

I smile at them.

Jet: What are you smiling for?

Me: There's a new exhibition and it involves Kathy.

They both look surprised and I help them onto my shoulder.

Kathy's POV:

It's been a while since Larry has gone and I don't know when he will be back. I find a glass cabinet that shows my reflection and at least I do look the same I then gasp and check my back and thank god that my tattoo is still there. I smile and laugh a little. I can't believe I'm back so to speak. I then hear running and someone calling my name I turn around to see Ahk running my way.

Me: Ahk

Ahk grabs me by the waist and lifts me off the ground and into his arms.

Ahk: I love you, I love you so much.

I smile and hug him tight.

Me: I love you too.

He puts me back on the ground and kisses me passionately. I kiss back and we stay like that until I hear more footsteps. We both brake away and look to the door to see the others come in. That night was full of singing and dancing and I didn't leave Ahk's side. At the end of the night I kissed Ahk good bye and went back to my room. I sit on my stone just as Larry comes in.

Larry: I'm so glad your back.

Me: It's nice to be back.

That's the final chapter guys hope you liked. I know it took two story's for these to get together but this is how I wanted then to get together in the first place. Thanks for reading and for the support. Love you all. :)

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