better than nothing

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Fukuzawa pov

Being a father—a single father who lost his wife during childbirth—has been difficult. It's especially hard to accept the child who caused my beloved wife's death, the one who changed me, who I dearly loved, and who stood by my side even though she had seen my worst sides.

I remember the time when I begged her to remove the child that was killing her, but she only caressed her seven-month pregnant belly and gave me her beautiful smile.

"This child is killing you, Unmei! Let's get rid of it before it takes you away from me!"

"Our child is the proof of our love. Even if I'm gone, this child will be the proof I existed and the proof that I loved you. I love this child inside my womb. A mother will love her children no matter what happens."

I remember how I left her alone in her room that day.

I regret how I rarely talked to him, I regret ignoring his desperate voice calling out to me. I regret not even noticing that he was always gone from the estate.

I regret doing all of those things just to forget him. Unmei probably hates me.

"Unmei, I'm really a bad father, huh?" I said, groaning in frustration.

"If you apologize and show him through actions that you really care, he might forgive you," I heard Ranpo say, and I looked away from him.

"It'll take time for him to forgive me." I felt Ranpo walking closer to me, slamming his hand on my desk.

"It's better than nothing! You've been absent his whole life!" I heard him scream, then he walked away, leaving me alone in my office.

His words struck me "It's better than nothing."

It's hard being a father who misses his deceased wife dearly.

"It's better than nothing, right, Unmei? Starting today, I'll accept him. And I hope he takes me back again. I need your help, Unmei," I said with a sigh.

Unmei was the name of my deceased wife, the mother of my one and only son. It's sad that he didn't consider Unmei as his mother.

I can't blame him. Mirai was the mother he had in his life, but now she is gone too.


Eating was Y/N's favorite part of life. It had been a month since Mirai was gone, and he had moved on from the pain and guilt because he knew that Mirai would want him to move on. And so he did. He started enjoying everything he once hated. The maids he used to despise—he fired all of them. Now, he lives alone and takes care of himself. He knows how to cook and clean; he can do anything by himself. Mirai taught him the basics of cooking, just like any mother would.

Y/N had also changed his worst habits. Every morning, he jogs and eats more meals than usual. He takes care of himself because who else will?

Y/N still wonders where Dazai could be. He wishes to see him again. But still, he hates that guy, even though he's a little bit worried since Dazai is suicidal.

Y/N trained his body and learned how to fight. Maybe watching his dad train helped him, or maybe rewriting his body's state helped.

"Y/N's body will learn how to fight like a great assassin," he wrote in his notebook, giggling like a nerd.

Y/N is a nerd when it comes to assassins. He reads books about how they fight and how sneaky they are, and Y/N always wanted to have the same physique as them.

He muttered under his breath, "Thee can't resist destiny." Once finished, Y/N opened his eyes and looked at his palm.

"I feel so strong," he said.

He tested his new strength by carrying big sacks of rice that he needed for the future. To his surprise, he could carry five sacks with one hand. It didn't shock him since he had used his ability for selfish purposes many times before. Like that one time he won a gamble and brought home a lot of money, and Mirai scolded him for it. Y/N giggled at the funny memories with her.

His ability is feared by many, with many trying to kill him but failing miserably. He was never kidnapped again after Yoshiki, perhaps because they are afraid of his capability to destroy their criminal organizations.

Or at least that's what they thought. Y/N's ability was never really popular in public. Only strong criminal organizations know a little bit of information about "Thee can't resist destiny."

What they only know is that his ability can rewrite someone's future, making them do something they don't like.

But they don't know that Y/N's ability has its own rules. First, Y/N can only rewrite one person and not a whole group. Second, if he finishes someone's story, it will take someone important in their life—take Mirai Yosuko as an example. When Y/N killed Yoshiki, "Thee can't resist destiny" took Mirai Yosuko, the only person he cared about, and that's what makes it very risky. Third, Y/N can only write at least one sentence, so Y/N has to be very creative in writing someone's fate.

Fourth, Y/N must write the character's name in order for it to happen, so Y/N has to know the person's first and last name. Fifth, Y/N must read the target first before writing the person's fate, so Y/N has to meet the person in real life and read them. Sixth, Y/N's ability will not work if he cannot read what he wrote, but he can write on anything—a piece of paper, a wall, or even on his phone—as long as it is readable. He can use any ink as long as it is visible to his eyes.

These are the six rules he needs to follow. If someone from any criminal organization knew these rules, he would be killed. These rules about his ability are his only weaknesses. Second are guns because he's not bulletproof. So he really needs to be careful about who he trusts because one day they might betray him.

But don't worry, because only one person knows these rules

Is his online friend from Russia.

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