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"Would you like to form a contract with me, Y/N?"

You woke up with a gasp, your heart racing, and your body covered in a cold sweat. Your dream fades away like smoke on the wind, but the terror of it lingers in your mind as if the nightmare were still unfolding before your eyes. You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing thoughts, but the echoes of the dream reverberate through your mind like a distant scream.

'What was that?' You frantically thought you gripped the sheets with your left hand while the other gripped your hair, harshly pulling it enough to hurt and fully wake you up

You felt another pain in your head. Your mouth went dry from the pain you felt all over your body

I feel sick
                   I feel sick
I feel sick

You thought, mind filled with the urge to throw up.So without second thoughts, you stood up, but because your legs felt wobbly and still weak, you fell on the floor. You groaned from the pain and tried to stand up more slowly

Your body started to feel heavy. You felt hot all over. Your house is big, so going to your bathroom takes a lot of time and completely tires your body out. You reached the bathroom, but you slipped down the floor

Oh, I can't feel my legs

You helplessly crawled to your toilet. You barely have time to lean over the toilet bowl before the contents of your stomach erupt, spilling out in a torrent of bile and acid. Your vision blurs, your throat burns, and for a brief moment, you feel like you're drowning

You lift your head to see a thermometer in the sink, you reach for it, and thank the gods you had successfully managed to grab it. You carefully placed it on your armpits. You waited for it to read your temperature while leaning on the wall, wondering how to get out of this situation. The thermometer finally let out a ringing sound. You pulled it from your armpits. You sighed when you saw how bad your fever is


You can use your ability to heal yourself, but you can barely move your hands. And your body won't heal itself. Your body heals itself when the heart no longer beats returning by death

You groaned and lay on the cold bathroom floor you sneezed when your skin felt the cold floor touch

'Guess I'll just wait for myself to die again'
Sounds of shaky breaths filled the bathroom as closed your eyes awaiting your death

"Saint, better wake up"

Y/N  opened his eyes slowly blinking from the bright light, which made him wince he looked around and realized he was already in bed

"You're finally awake" a familiar voice. He turned his head from the sound, and he immediately deflated

"Dazai, what are you doing here?" Y/N's body lay limp even talking hurts

"Stop talking and rest, I know you'll have your fever today. Yesterday, I already saw the signs you are sick but you didn't tell anyone as usual" Y/N felt his eyes twitch. Why can Dazai know him that much it pisses him

Since the fight with the guild dried his mind and mentality, the drawbacks of using his ability too much are fever or even coma. Only Dazai knew about that information

"Leave, I do not need you here, I can heal myself" Dazai didn't show any reactions to his harsh words,

"You passed out in your bathroom like you're dying"  he walked closer, towering over his weak body. Y/N is currently helpless. His body is hot, breathing heavily too weak to move, or even eat

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲||bsd x male reader Where stories live. Discover now