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Fyodor opened a trashbin searching for his ushanka hat

"It's gone" Fyodor said with a frown after he scanned the insides

"Looking for this?" The voice of a familiar man made him turn his head

It was Dazai walking while wearing his hat and holding an apple in his right hand

"Hey demon Fyodor"

Fyodor watched as Dazai took a small bite of the apple

"Oh, it's you"
Fyodor's voice held no emotion

"Last time I saw you, you were in Mukurotoride"

Dazai ignored his words, trying to hide the urge to kill this man immediately, but he needed to be cautious he didn't know what this man's ability was. He knows that Fyodor had to do something with Y/N

"A double assassination using the masked man as a bait I expected as much from you" Dazai face continues to maintain his smile, knowing a sniper will shoot him from behind

"So I predicted your escape route and decided to ambush you" Dazai put his left hand on the ushanka hat with a playful smile

"Does it look good?"

"Not at all"

"Right... then have it back"
Dazai throws the ushanka hat to Fyodor, landing near Fyodor's shoes

Fyodor grabbed his hat on the ground and patted the dirt off

"You couldn't have make it more obvious tinkering with poor priest's head turning him into an assassin and having him go for the heads of two organizations?"

Fyodor clenched his hands, but still, no emotion was plastered on his face

"Your point being?"

Dazai titled his head, giving Fyodor a closed eyed smile

"I want to know where you are keeping Y/N and what you used to poison the president"

The mention of Fyodors' beloved had him glaring at Dazai

"I know what you're trying to do, to obtain a certain book you'll need Y/N's ability to eradicate ability users in Yokohama because you rats doesn't have enough men to reduce the city to ashes so you'll need someone with an ability thats so powerful no one can undo the damage. But you know how Y/N wouldn't agree, which is why you tried to assassinate the leaders of the Agency and the Port Mafia"

Dazai guessed everything right. Fyodor thought that this man is really dangerous. Dazai's intelligence is fascinating and also dangerous

"What makes you think that?"

"Because that's what I would do too, to keep Y/N all to myself" Dazai said with his eyes closed he didn't care if he said it too bluntly

Fyodor smirked from his words Dazai was right again, he wants Y/N all for himself just for him to see, smell, love, and give pleasure

"Are you saying we're cut from the same cloth?"
Fyodor, with his hands still holding the ushanka hat on his left hand, he brought down his head, closing his eyes

"Very well you've earned yourself this much"

Fyodor continues to close his eyes

"The poison I used is..." Fyodor opened his eyes again, looking at Dazai straight in the eyes

"A cannibalizing Ability"

Dazai eyes opened in shock

"Its a virus-type Ability of a certain criminal a microscopic lifeform born of an ability that matures over fourty eight hours after which it eats through the bodies of its host however, if one of its host dies the ability ceases to function"
Fyodor finished, and he noticed that Dazai composure change

"Which means that the only thing we can do to save the president is kill Mori"

Dazai knows that this mission is going to be another pain

"Don't bother trying to nulify the ability. You have to be suicidal to try to directly touch the vital organs where the virus resides" Fyodor let out a small chuckle his eyes narrowing at Dazai

"What now?"

Dazai didn't reply but just stared at the demon in front of him, awaiting for an information about Y/N

"People are sinful and foolish even knowing the truth of my plan. They can't help but go out there and kill each other. Someone must wash away that sin, which is why we are seeking for the book"

'We?' Dazai thought it couldn't Y/N, he wouldn't help Fyodor

"Which is why"
Fyodor slowly raised his hand, which held his ushanka hat a signal that the sniper needed to shoot

The sniper followed his orders and shot Dazai near his kidneys. It shocked Dazai his mouth opened to let out a small gasp. The apple that he holds falls out from his grasp, Dazai coughed blood and falls on the floor face flat

The apple rolled near Fyodors shoes

Dazai closed his eyes from the pain blood started coming out from his mouth, and his eyes saw the sniper just right behind him

"A sniper, so you knew I'd be bere" Dazai struggled to say his words barely audible

"I ordered him to avoid your vital organs" Fyodor started walking

"Since I need you to inform the rest about the clash with the Port Mafia" Fyodor passed Dazai on the floor not bothering to look back

"You said we're cut from the same cloth" Dazai tried to push his body from the ground, he is used to the pain

"And we are, except for two difference" Dazai smiled raising his head

"In the way we think and love"

Fyodor head turned to look at the suicidal man who's shaking

"People are sinful and foolish, that's true enough" Droplets of blood coming out from his mouth stained his shaking hands

"Thats what makes them so great, why Y/N loves humanity"

Fyodor didn't show any reactions

"You knew the sniper was there, didn't you?"

Fyodor watched Dazai fully stand up on his feet clutching the spot where he was shot

"And yet you still came to get the information, and because of Y/N"

Dazai still clutching the pain looked down on the blooded ground

"The book you're looking for is a novel, an empty book that turns whatever is written turns to reality, " Fyodor turned his body fully facing Dazai

"Yes, and we will use that book to create a world without Ability users, without sin"

Dazai smirked fully knowing who's the other person

"You can try, but Y/N will not take your hands"
Dazai glared the urge to torture him for information about Y/N is getting strong

"You can damn well try"

"You may love him but I was there first before you, Y/N already asked me to marry him" Dazai's body shakes in fear. He tried to analyze Fyodor face if he was lying. But Fyodor only said the truth

"Did you do something to him?" Dazai voice almost broke now glaring harshly at Fyodor who only smirked

"I did many things" Dazai bit lip in anger

Before he can reply Atsushi screaming Dazai's name was heard

"Dazai san!"

Fyodor took that as a sign to leave as he walked. He left another message for Dazai

"Well then, I shall see you again on our wedding"

Dazai scoffed he let's himself fall on the ground remembering the dates with Y/N. He missed him, his smile, his small laugh and giggles, his beautiful face, his philosophy. He missed everything

'Y/N I'm the one you should marry, not him' Dazai thought a comical pout plastered on his face before passing out

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲||bsd x male reader Where stories live. Discover now