Future in my hands

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Y/N pov

The ex mafia who's feared by many and  his amazing ability, who used to kill. Who was a thief, a kidnapper

He is my saviour who came to tear my life apart

My Dazai Osamu

"Im so happy, Y/N! We are going on a  date again!" I saw him sway our hands and pulled me to the streets full of people

"Then where will you take me?" I saw him look at me with his handsome face as he pretended to be thinking.

"Somewhere our fate will take us!" I awkward giggled his jokes are never funny

"I'll take the lead for this date," I sighed. It's always been me who always took him to fancy dates. Dazai didn't always plan a proper date for us

We are now both walking holding hands, but a girl stopped us when. She held Dazai's coat tightly and looked at him, Y/N saw a kid holding a cute flipphone

"Huh me?" I heard Dazai told girl

"Need something, miss?" I also asked, completely worried for the little girl

"I found you..." I saw a bright purple light completely surround us, I looked up to see a ghoul holding a sword

"This is bad..." Dazai mumbled. I hit the back of his head

"Acting like this will kill you," I said to him


Me and Dazai are tied up in the air using this metalic cuff. I sighed how many times will I get kidnapped

"This handcuffs hurt," I told Dazai, who was humming another song

"Just bare for it for a moment, dear. we need information. Why do they want Atsushi that bad?"
I heard him, I completely agree with him. But I already know who the person who wants Atsushi

It's from the Guild, but I couldn't couldn't say it to Dazai. He will get suspicious how I get those information, I did get it by reading Chuuya without his permission. Im also curious why they want Atsushi that much

I heard someone walk in. It was Akutagawa. I know him because the agency handled another case involving the port Mafia, and I took that case alone. I saw him blooded and beat up, read him for information

I heard him end a call using his flipphone

"No matter how strong you are, a pawn is just a pawn. How about you? Are you the pawn of the chess move?"

"Or...are you a pawn waiting to be smashed"

I still didn't know why I was also included getting kidnapped. I can assume that Mori wants me for my ability

"Hey Akutagawa, can you elaborate why I'm also getting kidnapped?"  I heard Akutagawa footsteps approach me. I saw him use his Roshomon to destroy the handcuffs

"Ha..that felt good thank you Ak-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when he harshly grabbed me by my arm and pulled me

"Y/N, stay safe!" I heard Dazai scream. I nodded at him that made him smile


We walked to the hallways and a lot of security looking at us

"Hey, can you please tell me where we are going?" I saw Akutagawa look at me for a second before speaking

"Boss wants to talk to you."  My eyes twitched
Nothing new, they are all after my ability

We reach a big door. Akutagawa knocked softly

"It's Akutagawa, boss. I brought Y/N like you ordered,"

I heard Moris annoying voice muffled

"Yes, yes! Good, enter now!" I mentally prepare myself for this talk

We entered the room and looked around, I saw Chuuya sitting on a chair looking at me with a smirk. I swear he's more handsome the last time I saw him

I faced Mori whos on his desk looking at me with a smirk, I looked down to see a blonde child drawing with crayons. That must be his ability

"Then I shall take my leave." I saw Akutagawa gave a proper bow and left the room. Once the big door finally closed, Mori opened his mouth

"Oh, Y/N chan! You're so big than the last time I saw you, you were nine! You just grew up so fast, you're much more interesting when you were young!" I gave him a disgusted look as I step back

"The feeling is not mutual," I said as I gave him a glare

"Now now, you already know what I want from you!" I scoffed and stayed silent, avoiding eye contact

"Your ability is fascinating it can make any wishes come true! It really doesn't change destiny. You Y/N is a-" I cut him off before he can say those words I hated

"Mori, you do know the most dangerous enemy is when your enemy knows too much about you, Mori. You know how dangerous my ability is, and yet you kidnapped me. You don't know what I already wrote for you, play safe and don't fuck with me again" I gritted my teeth when he gave md a big smile

"You dont have to tell me twice! Chuuya can you escort Y/N outside, oh and also treat him with foods for the inconvenience" I sweatdrop how Mori quickly changed his mind

Chuuya sighed at first but he walks over me and offer me his hands. But before I leave the room I will leave my final message

"Mori, the mafias future is in my hands" I pulled Chuuya and hear him yelp because of my strength

The door finally closed again, I look at Chuuya with a serious look

"Take me to Dazai first" I saw him blink like an owl and I felt him held my hands again

"I'll take you there , you're so scary you know that" I chuckled as we started to walk

"I scared the most handsome ability user, how nice" My eyes wander to his red ears

"S-shut up and just walk" how cute, If Chuuya offered me a hand in marriage I wouldn't hesitate to accept it


We finally reached the torture place I walked down the stairs I trailed behind Chuuya whos smirking down at Dazai

"So you're plotting as usual huh?" I stayed behind Chuuya but I heard Dazai voice complain

"Wow, this is nice. What an incredible view it even
surpasses a masterpiece worth 10 billion! Right? Dazai" I saw Chuuya smirked down at him. I decided to come down to Dazai and tell him the information

"This suck oh man this suck, Y/N can you please write something for him to die" I saw Dazai gave me a pleading look but I shook my head

"No,hes still important for the future" I gave him my usual closed eyed smile,  I fixed my posture and put my hands behind my back

"Right now I gathered enough info. But it seems Chuuya is already here, my readings cannot be wrong. This is our fate to meet up again" I look at Chuuya who gave me a glare and I walk up to him my hands still behind my back

"Chuuya, I shall take my leave,  give him a good hit" I gave him an encouraging smile as he blush and looked away

"Oi the hell you blushing for shorty! Stay away from him!" Chuuya gave him a glare offended by his words

"Shut up! I can blush too whoever I want!' I walked away from the two my steps are quiet and closed my eyes

"Y/N don't leave me!" I ignored him and continued my way leaving him alone, I dont need him to hold me back for my next move

'Really this sucks, I didn't get to help Atsushi' I mentally groan, but the information I gathered is enough of a help for future disasters

The guild could be a good help, looking for Fyodor

And once I have Fyodor, I'll never let him go. Never

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲||bsd x male reader Where stories live. Discover now