A day in hell

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Y/N pov

My eyes fluttered, lights blinded my eyes, I winced and closed my eyes again. The smell of the room is different, I can smell the smell of dust all around. I started to panic

My house is clean and smell like flowers coming from my garden, but now I can't smell them

Weirdly my fever is also gone too

"My love I'm so happy you're awake"

My love?

Those voices don't belong to Dazai, so who is he. My eyes opened and finally realized my situation. My limbs were currently tied down to the floor I'm laying down with my arms covered in metal, preventing me from using my ability and also

I've been abducted again

My eyes saw the person my breath hitched

"Fyodor..." his name I can only utter from shocked, just how did he get his hands on me
But it's understandable. This demon is too smart

"Oh, how I miss the way you say my name"
I saw him squirm, his smile reaching his ears as if he had taken a drug of ecstasy

"Miss? We don't even know each other" I said, trying to sound all tough

"I'll make you remember" I saw him pull out a big knife, I didn't feel fear or anything because I'm already used to this

"Remember? What am I your reincarnated lover?" I joked to look like I'm not bothered that I'm getting killed again. I sweatdrop when Fyodor just smiled as he cleaned his knife he walked closer to me, the knife dangerously closer to my stomach

"Remember the painting you saw? A portrait of you, Im the one who painted that" My eyes blurred as I felt another head ache coming


"What I'm doing my dear is for us, I may hurt you but it'll help you remember"

I let out a short chuckle from his words

"Hurting will make me remember?" I leaned on the wall, tilting my head to the side, I saw him make a pout face that didn't feel right

"I read from a book that if you remember how you die from your past life-"

Fyodor suddenly stabbed me with the knife, near my left kidney, the knife peirces. I should be used to the pain but why am I screaming so loud


Fyodor painfully pulled out the knife again

"I love you"
He stabbed me

"I love you"

He pulled out the knife

"I love you"

He stabbed me

I feel sick, everything hurts, someone save me

"I love you"

Fyodor held my cheeks dearly as if he were taking care of me gently. I can see how his pupils even changed to hearts, his love sick face made me sick

"You belong to me"

He continued until I couldn't hear him anymore, but all I could feel was

Pain, red, hurt, dust,red pain death, scared, help, why,please stop,pain,red,death,red,why,no,pain, red, hurt, dust,red pain death, scared, help,death why,death, stop,please,pain, red, hurt, dust,red pain death, scared, help, why,please,dont,red,stop,pain,red,death,red,why,no,pain, red, hurt, dust,red pain death, scared, help, why,death, stop,please,pain, red, hurt, dust,red pain death, scared, help,why,please,pain,death,red,knife,stop,pain,red,death,red,why,no,pain, red, hurt, dust,red pain death,scared, help, why,death, stop,please

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲||bsd x male reader Where stories live. Discover now