Chapter Forty-One

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Scale Number: 1

Kalayavan sighed as he raised his scope again, watching as Halrim walked into the 'abandoned' building across the street. His face was covered in nearly healed bruises, which meant he'd been punished recently. More than likely for failing to re-find the two of them after the death of his team. Otherwise he would have been fully back to normal, as his teacher already was.

"Oh, kid," shaking his head, he continued to watch the above ground cover for the secret headquarters below. He'd been there all day, watching, collecting the comings and goings for the Inisheashen. This was the first time seeing his ex-underling since he was forced to teach him a lesson for touching a woman that didn't belong to him.

It wasn't entirely the kid's fault, he was just doing what he'd been taught, following their laws, unlike Kal.

But at this second, he was also looking like Kal's best way in. If anyone knew a fraction of what he was feeling, it would be Halrim. Especially when he was one of the only other Relevents who showed something other than a love for killing, with his bizarre obsession with Crysis. Although if he found out why his old instructor was there, Kal was sure the kid would no longer be willingly helpful.

The last thing Kal wanted was to take on the entire compound all at once. Which is exactly what would happen if he tried to get inside before nightfall, at which point the only ones he would have to deal with would be the night guard. Those who roamed the halls to make sure there was no one trying to do anything other than what they were instructed to do; be sleeping. All of which were made up of Sepireers he'd help train, not that he was ready to hurt more of the men he was raised with. Or helped raise for that matter.

The goal was to hit them at night, alone in their chambers. It would be easier to take them on single handedly instead of battling all five masters at once. Also, he hoped it would cause less casualties. Hunter had only called for the heads of the Elders, not the soldiers who were just doing as they were told.

When Halrim reappeared again, Kal squeezed the trigger once, nailing the door frame with a single bullet. Dead center of the 2x4 board, beside the kid's head.

The young Sepireer didn't hesitate to pull his hand gun, pointing it around before lowering it slowly. Without putting the weapon away immediately, he inspected the evidence.

Kal pressed the button on the side of his long ranged rifle, causing the laser on the back of the bullet to send a couple of bursts in the sender's direction.

Halrim turned to look up, following the line of the indicator. His shoulders sank as he sighed, putting his gun away, looking over his shoulder to glance back into the building. Only for a second, and not long enough to signal anyone who might have been hiding out of sight. Returning his searching gaze for some sign of a presence, shaking his head almost unnoticeable. Then scratched his temple with two fingers, before jerking his head once to the side.

In the same direction where they used to train off property. It was one of the times Kalayavan used the elements in his lessons. Not one that was sanctioned by the Table and ended up in a beating for the Sepireer teacher.

In two hours, they would meet.

This would either make or break the entire mission. Was he stupid for putting his pet's fate in the hands of the company-loyal underling?

Putting the gun down, he laid back on the cot he was using, thinking about his woman. Who was at one of his safe houses in Diamond.

Surprised when they activated the night before while he was still on the road. Finding Hunter opening the door and searching the house quickly and efficiently before beckoning Kal's pet for her to come in. Who had had her ball gown draped over one of her arms, wearing a pair of woman's scrubs. He'd almost lost control of his vehicle, having to pull it off to the side as he called up her babysitter to find out why she'd had to go see a doctor.

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