11. Asprishya

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(Asprishya ~ Something Untouchable)

"Have you checked it all......?"

"Yes sir."

"Mail it to me then......"

His PA answered. He saw some files scattered there and thought to arrange them.

"It's ok. I'll do it myself. You can go now."
Rāghavendra told him.

Jairaj, his PA, was a hardworking family man. Rāghavendra liked his sincerity.

But on the order of Rāghavendra, he took his leave.

While here, Rāghavendra was working overtime today. Arjun had already gone home and he was here doing some things which needed his attention.

But......it was only his soul which knew the real reason.

He was trying to ignore all the thoughts which kept returning to his mind about her.

All the "what ifs" which he tried to keep aside badly, were stuck to him like a leech.

Tired, he took off his specs and moving a hand in his hairs, he kept his head on the chair's back !

His hand now reached the drawer and soon he lighted a cigar kept inside it.

He can't be in this type of a mess ! His insides tried to deny but was it a joke ? His overbearing mind was enough to tell all his doings perfectly to him.

Sighing, he got up and reached towards the back wall. Since the last month, he was the talk of the town. A few interviews featured him and a few magazines had articles on him.

Telling how his interventions and technological aids had made the soils of all the surrounding villages gain their fertility !

But the truth was something totally different ! Which even he didn't know till now !

And now, when he has come to know it, he definitely didn't want to take someone's credit !

And that too, hers.....?


But he wasn't coming to know about anything which could help himself.

He didn't want this name, which was something done by her !

His ego was rebelling......!

And fuck, he didn't have any option.

He looked at his wrist watch !

It was 10 pm.

And soon, dausing out the cigar in an ashtray, he came back to take away his laptop bag and his coat.

After a few minutes, he was sitting in is car looking outside. The city glimmered as always.

But Rāghavendra, caught in a deep thought was unable to appreciate it.


He came out of the bathroom after getting freshened up. Looking at his clock, it was fifteen minutes past 11 now.

Glancing out of his window, he saw the lights of old haveli glowed.

And with a total of four hours of deep thought uptill now, he decided to ask her himself.

Cursing, he descended down the stairs.

This was the last thing he wanted to do. Talking to her, and that too, for telling her something which would make her feel high.

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