15. Swapnil Yathārth

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(Swapnil Yathārth~A dreamy truth)

She stood below the shower.

As water dribbled down her contours, the thoughts clouding her mind were getting more intense. She couldn't forget that touch of his.

A touch that made her feel things.....

Some......somthing down there......

She looked towards her underwear, soaked in water. But there was an urge.....

An urge to touch that part and press it like........

She breathed out.

Her hand had reached that itching area of hers, and was pressing her mound.

She looked at it. All curious about things which were making herself feel like that.

But uncontrollably, her hand pressed more, relaxing her throbbing core just a little bit.

It was as if she was drugged.

She knew it was wrong, to touch there, to feel your hands as if of someone else......

Of his......

And suddenly her eyes flew open, with her hand removed from her underwear ! She gulped.

What the hell was she thinking about ?! And why him.......?! It's a sin.....!! She inwardly cursed herself !

Yeah, it wasn't like she didn't know how to curse. Like.....some......small words. Example, dog, bitch, etc.

Her beating heart told what she had done wrong. But at the same time, the sinful side of his mind tried to linger over that moment when his fingers caressed her bare waist, when her lips grazed his, or when.....she could feel his lips on her neck.....

"Shut yourself up, please.....!!"
She muttered, irritated with her own mind.

She kept the towel aside after drying herself up. The engagement ceremony has about 50 guests itself. And she was there along with Sudhā kāki to help her cater to all of them.

It was a hectic day.

But all she saw was that a single wedding in village looked like a festival for the villagers. It didn't matter if they were related by blood of not, they all participated as if it was their own daughter's engagement ceremony.

Inaayat slid her hands inside a shirt and buttoned it up. Then holding the towel for drying out her wet waist length hair, she opened the bathroom door to move outside.

It was midnight. The jackals could be heart shouting, and the silence of night could be felt.

But as she raised her eyes towards the front.....

"Mumma !!"
Her widened eyes instantly searched for something to cover herself while her hands stretched the shirt down, as if they could.

But the next moment, she had pulled away the bedsheet and wrapped herself, turning away.......from him.

While he stood there, inhaling the the enticing smell of whatever she had applied on her body. Holding a cigarette in his fingers, he was standing near the window when she had come out, all unaware of him standing not faraway from her.

"Wha----wh---why.....are you here ??"
She asked, her tone somewhat louder.

But he was too engrossed to be listening what she said.

Her long tendrils falling in front of her face, dripping down with water droplets and a few of them scattering the old yellow light of the wall lamps in each corner of the room......

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