WHO : Chapter 31

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Hongjoong slowly opened his eyes. the first thing his eyes landed on was Seonghwa's face. immediately, Hongjoong smiled at the sight. Seonghwa had fallen asleep, with his both hands on Hongjoong's chest. while Hongjoong tried to get a better view, he accidently woke the other up.

"Oh Hongjoong? are you awake? how does your leg feel now?"

"Woah, slow down first of all"

Hongjoong chuckled, looking at Seonghwa's worried expression.

"I feel okay now. I probably won't be able to walk for now but yeah. it feels less painful than before."

Hongjoong said, as Seonghwa nodded.

"We have to get out of here, Joong. what should we do?"

Seonghwa said, not noticing himself calling Hongjoong by 'Joong'. Hongjoong smiled widely.

"Mmm. but it would be nice to stay with you for days."

Hongjoong said. Seonghwa raised one eye brow, before pulling Hongjoong's ear making the other yell.

"Keep that mouth of yours to yourself."

Seonghwa said before moving Hongjoong away from his lap gently. we stood up, helping Hongjoong to sit. then, he gathered his things as well as Hongjoong's things.

"This place seems so old. I wonder what this used to be."

Hongjoong said, looking around the place. Seonghwa looked around as well.

"Probably a small home? come on, let's go."

Seonghwa replied as he went to Hongjoong, placing Hongjoong's arm on his shoulder as he helped Hongjoong to stand up, being careful not to make Hongjoong take steps with his wounded foot. the two got out of the place. Seonghwa paid extra attention to Hongjoong as he was injured badly. the two had to walk around for sometime to find the road way out.

"Ah finally!"

The two finally made their way out, and there they were at the bridge again. as he helped Hongjoong, he couldn't help but notice how Hongjoong kept staring at him, smiling to himself the entire time as if he just became the luckiest person on the earth.

"I parked my car around here. let's go."

Seonghwa said, smiling back at the other. Hongjoong nodded in response. finally, Seonghwa helped Hongjoong to get inside the car, as he also got inside.

"Let's go to a hospital on our way."

Seonghwa said, as he started driving. though he said that, he got no answer. he turned to Hongjoong, who seemed to be thinking something.

"What is it?"

Seonghwa asked.

"Seonghwa, how do you know this place?"

Hongjoong asked, his eye brows raised at he turned to Seonghwa. Seonghwa shrugged off.

"Well, just a place I saw on my way. I just stood there under that tree for awhile and then I saw you. and oh, I met someone you may know"

Seonghwa said, trying to change the topic because he knew that if Hongjoong asks him more questions about how he got here or how he know this place, he'd be in a problem for sure.

"Oh? who's that?"

"Yong Taeyong? do you know him?"

"Hyung? how do you know Taeyong hyung?"


A lie, think of a good lie Seonghwa think of a lie.

"Right, I actually came here to visit my mom so I thought I should buy some flowers for her. I ended up going to Hwangsang flower shop and Taeyong hyung talked with me for awhile and we chatted about this and that. I feel like I got closer to him in one day. he's probably upset because he told me to come to his house yesterday night for dinner but well, we ended up like this so."

"He's indeed a good man. I've known him for ages."

I know.

Seonghwa smirked which was unnoticed by Hongjoong.

"Let's go there on our way."

With Hongjoong's request, the two arrived in the older's house. I'm probably gonna get at earful from him, Seonghwa fake cried before entering the flower shop. there stood Taeyong, focused on watering his flowers.

"Hello, what flowers are you- oh? Seonghwa?"

"Hyung, before you say anything listen to me-"

"Woah I'm upset! you didn't even come yesterday I was worried all night!"

Taeyong crossed his arms. why is a man in his thirties still look cute when he's sulking? Seonghwa wanted to luagh at the older's cute sulking, but he stopped himself.

"Hyung, I met Hongjoong."

"Oh? Joong?"

"And we are on our way to the hospital."

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