Chapter 6

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"Anyone have plans for Christmas?" Maka asked as we were walking out of the mall.
"No" and "Not me" said a couple people.
"Let's have a party together again this year then," she suggested.
Soul chimed in apparently surprising everyone, "We can have it at my place this year!"
Tsubaki was the one to comment, "Seriously? You never want to host."
"Sorry, me and Ruby will be celebrating with her family as always," I cut in, happily.
"Oh, shoot, I didn't tell you," my friend bit her lip.
"Tell me what?" I already felt the dread.
"Mom and Dad are spending Christmas in Malibu this year," she linked arms with me and leaned forward to look at Soul, "So we'll be there!"

Christmas came. I followed the directions on my phone to Souls apartment and luckily met Kid, the Thompson sisters, and Ruby at the front door. My best friend gave me a crushing hug,
"Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas!"
I wished the same to Liz and Patty before leading the way through the lobby and into the elevator. Maka answered the door with a quick and distracted, "Hey, guys, Merry Christmas," before turning back to the kitchen.
Black Star and Tsubaki were already there. The two guys in Santa hats bellowed an aggressive, "Merry Christmas!" at all of us from the living room.
The others immediately jumped to Makas aid making Christmas dinner while I looked around. "This is a really nice place,"
"Thanks," Soul said, watching me.
I could tell however that most of the money for furniture had been spent on the giant TV and gaming systems—and the keyboard pushed against the wall.
"Wow," I brushed my fingers against the keys, "Do you play?"
"You didn't know Soul plays the piano?" Maka said, incredulously from the kitchen.
"Y'know, most people don't know that, Maka," Liz offered.
Mercifully Soul continued as he sat on the bench, "This is why I wanted to host. Everyone always wants me to play Christmas music and I like to, but this was a bitch to drag around the last couple years."
With that, he started into Joy to the World. I just stood behind him spellbound at the beautiful music, the way his fingers danced across the keys. When he finished, Soul noticed me still standing there and grinned,
"You can sit down if you want."
"I don't want you to bump into me or anything," I said, obeying anyway.
"Don't worry. I've had worse distractions,"
Something about Soul calling me a distraction made my body flood with heat, but I forced myself to pay attention to the music as he continued to Silent Night. Now I watched Souls face—I'd never seen him so focused and at peace. But I was also giggling by the end.
"What is it?"
"Nothing. Just you know...the irony. Deaths actual Scythe playing a song that celebrates the birth of Christ."
"Ha ha. What next?"
"How about (favorite Christmas song)?"
"Ooh, I think...Lesse..." he flipped through his sheet music until he set it back in front of him, "Got it right here. Can you sing?"
"Oh," I was taken back and burning hot again, but...
He started in on the intro. Goosebumps prickled down my arms. Then Soul nodded at me and smiled, when it was my time to come in. I started singing, keeping my eyes glued to the words, even when I felt Souls eyes on me and Maka and Ruby's behind me. With shaking hands I flipped the pages of the sheet music, even though I was sure Soul hadn't referred to it once. By the second verse, I had forgotten about how awkward I felt, Soul's gaze on me felt comfortable, and time seemed to stand still.
          It was just us and the music.
Finally I reached the last word. Soul played on a few more measures before slowing into one lingering finishing chord. Then I allowed myself to look at him. I was surprised to find his face flushed pink. My heart pounded in my chest, everything felt numb, and my mind was blank. Soul opened his mouth to speak, but before I could stop myself I crashed my lips against his.
Wow! My first kiss had been with Kid, but kissing Soul was like an explosion of sensation. His was a totally new taste-intoxicating (and yes, a little metallic in fact). But it was over as suddenly as it had happened. Maka called from the kitchen,
"Dinner's ready, song birds!"
We jumped apart. They hadn't seen us kiss! Or at least they pretended not to.
I realized now that the piano was emitting one long droning chord and looked down at Soul's hand laying limp on the keys. He was staring at my blankly as if I'd broken him. I just giggled and jumped up, "Coming!"
A beat later, Soul was spurred back to life,.
"Coming!" He called as he tried to stand, but tripped and tumbled backwards over the bench.
After dinner we all settled into the living room. Soul played some more and Black Star passed out in a food coma. After a while we dragged Soul from the keyboard and BS from his dreams to exchange our secret Santa gifts.
I had Tsubaki. She loved her new sketchbook and watercolor pencils.
And Maka had me.
"They're beautiful!" I gasped, running my hands over the boxed set of (favorite book series) books.
As we all quietly fawned over our presents, Soul groaned next to me,
"I think I overdid it again,"
I looked down to see him stretching his hands.
"Here. May I?"
Soul placed his hands in mine, and I started massaging them, starting with his palm, then going down each finger. I hadn't even considered what I was doing until I glanced up and saw Soul was pink again. I started speaking over the awkwardness,
"I have to do this to myself all the time on account of my trigger finger. Just means you love what you do."
We decided to wrap up around 10 pm. As everyone started for the door, I said my goodbyes and repeated "Merry Christmas," then excused myself to the bathroom. By the time I came back out, it was just Soul left, putting things in the fridge. I lingered awkwardly until I cleared my throat and Soul jumped,
"Oh, hey, great party, huh? Everyone seemed to have fun,"
"Yeah, thanks for having us over. I should get going,"
Soul crossed from the kitchen into the living room and came closer to me, "O-Or you could stay."
Now he was close enough I could almost feel his breath. I could reach out and touch him—kiss him again. "Okay, I'll stay," I lifted my chin to look him in the eye, daring, "What should we do?"

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