#10: Jasper AU

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I found this idea on Instagram and I really liked so here you go.

'C'mon Piper, it will be fun!' Annabeth whined. Piper and Annabeth were talking with each other by using Skype.
'No thanks, Ann. You know I don't like museums.' Piper said.
'Please? We can do something you want to do after that. Maybe to the movies or eat somewhere?'
Piper looked a little annoyed at her best friend. They had met at a summer camp at Long Island. A few years before Piper and Annabeth met each other, Annabeth met her boyfriend Percy at the same place. She sometimes complained about how stupid he could be but they loved each other.
'Please?' Annabeth asked again.
Piper sighed. 'Fine. And after that we're going to Jurassic World. Deal?'
'Deal!' Annabeth said grinning. 'I'm there in half an hour or so. See ya!'
Piper smiled at her friend and waved. 'Bye.'
Annabeth hang up. Piper closed her laptop and stood up. She took her bag and put her phone and wallet in it. After some doubting she also put her earphones in it. You never know when you need them, she thought. She went to her room and opened her dresser. She took her favourite denim shorts and a white top with the text 'I don't need a man'. She quickly pulled them on and put on her watch on her right wrist. There were a lot of bracelets of her visits to concertson her left wrsit. She went to the bathroom. She brushed her hair with her hand and brushed her teeth. She jumped into her black vans on her way out and closed the door behind her and locked it. She took the lift down since she lived at the ninth floor. Just as she left the flat, Annabeth's silver jeep stopped in front of her. She got into the car and they drove away.


Annabeth excitingly walked from artwork to artwork while Piper slowly walked behind her. While Annabeth was looking a painting, Piper took out her phone and opened the camera. She looked if she still looked good and decided to make a selfie. Suddenly she felt someone tap on her shoulder. She turned and looked into sky blue eyes of a blond security guard.
'It isn't allowed to make pictures of the artworks.' He said.
'I was taking a selfie.' Piper said a little annoyed.
'I know.' He winked.
Piper blushed and looked away.
'Don't be shy, beauty queen. I'm Jason. Jason Grace.' The blonde said.
'Piper. Piper Mclean.' Piper said. They shook hands.
Suddenly Jason's expression changed to nervous. 'Would you like to do something with me some time?' He asked while his face became completely red.
Piper stared at him shocked. Did he just ask me on a date, she thought.
'O-only i-if you want of course.' Jason quickly said. His voice squeaked a little.
Piper smiled at him. 'I would love to.' She said. 'Give me your phone.'
Jason took out his phone, opened the lock on it and handed it her. Piper put her number in his phone.
'Give me a call some time this week, okay?' She said handing it back.
Suddenly Annabeth popped out behind Jason.
'Who are you?' Annabeth asked.
'Annabeth, this is Jason. He's one of the security guards. Jason, this is Annabeth. She is my best friend.' Piper said.
They shook hands.
'Nice to meet you.' Annabeth said. Her eyes quickly scanned Jason. She smiled when she thought he looked nice.
'Passed.' She told Piper when they let go.
'Sorry, what?' Jason asked confused.
'Nothing to worry about.' Piper said quickly.
'Well. I should get back to my place. See you later, Piper.' Jason said smiling. He nodded politely to Annabeth and walked away. Piper sighed a little without noticing while she watched him.
Annabeth poked her with her elbow while giggling. 'Already crushing, I see.' She giggled.
'At least I didn't attack him.' Piper said.
'Touche.' Annabeth laughed. 'Now let's go, you wanted to go to Jurassic World, right?'
'I thought maybe we could go shopping?' Piper said.
'He asked you out, didn't he?' Annabeth smirked.
'C'mon. You need a nice outfit.' Annabeth pulled Piper to the exit and the two girls went to the shops. They usually don't go shopping, but they could make an exception.

BAM. TWO ONE-SHOTS IN ONE SINGLE DAY. THAT IS SOMETHING GOOD FOR ME. And? Liked this one? I thank instagram for this one. Bye guys, love you all!

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