#23: Solangelo

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I think this one was requested by @nicodiangelogurl or something (I have a bit of a headache rn, so sorry if I'm wrong)

Narrator's POV

'Is everything ready?' Leo asked. They were at the border of the forest.
'Yes, the spell is ready, he just needs to walk into the trap.' Connor replied. Since Travis got together with Katie, he didn't prank much. But when Leo came back, Connor and Leo became the best friends and pranked everyone. Well, except Nico Di Angelo. Who fucks with him, can consider themselves dead.
This time, it was Jason. They were going to change Jason into a cat for a few days.
'Great.' Leo grinned. Then he heard a noise. 'Hide! He's coming!'
Leo and Conner quickly hided behind some bushes. After a few seconds they heard a scream. But that wasn't Jason's scream. Leo peeked out and saw the son of Hades changing into a cat.
'Connor...' Leo whispered.
'Did it work?' Connor asked.
'No. Well, the spell did work. But at the wrong person. We're so fucked.' Leo whispered.
'What? Who did it hit?'
'Nico.' Leo mumbled.
'What?! Fuck! I'm out of here!' Connor started to get up, but Leo pulled him back.
'We're in this together! Let's at least bring him to someone.' Leo said. (*We're all in this together intensifies*)
Connor considered running away, but sighed and nodded. They got out of the bushes after Nico had fully changed. They looked down at him. Nico meowed madly. He probably tried to growl, but instead of a fully grown cat, he was a kitten. A black, fluffy kitten.

(Brb, exploding bc of the mental image of Nico as this kitty :3)'We're so sorry, Nico

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(Brb, exploding bc of the mental image of Nico as this kitty :3)
'We're so sorry, Nico. This was meant for Jason. We know better than to prank you, don't we Connor?' Leo asked his friend.
'Y-yeah. We know what the consequences are. This really wasn't meant for you. But let's bring you to someone to take care of you. I mean, you wouldn't want us to take care of you, would you?' Connor asked.
Nico shook his small (smol :3) head.
'Maybe Will? He's good with animals.' Leo suggested.
Nico meowed, and the boys took that as a yes, but Nico meant no.
'Let's go then.' Connor carefully picked up Nico, who meowed angrily at first, but let him pick him up since he didn't feel like walking all the way and he would have to run to keep up with them.
Soom the two boys and the cat reached the Apollo cabin. Leo knocked on the door. Fortunately, Will was the one who opened the door.
'What do you want?' He asked suspiciously.
'Will, my pal. Buddy. Friend.' Leo grinned.
'Get to the point.' Will said annoyed.
'Nico got into the prank we set up for Jason and he's a cat and we thought that you could take care of him since he will definitely kill us anyway and we can't even take care of ourselves.' Connor said quickly.
Will looked down at Connors hands. His eyes widened in aw when he saw the small (oh screw it, I'm gonna use smol from now on) kitten.
'If you stop pranking me, I'll do it.' Will said.
'Deal.' Leo and Connor said in unison. Connor quickly handed Nico over to Will and they rushed away.
Will shook his head. 'Idiots.' He said and went inside his cabin, closing the door with his foot.
'I hope you don't mind going to the infirmary with me, because my shift is over an hour.' Will said walking over to his bunk.
Nico meowed.
'We need a way to communicate. One meow is a yes, two no and three maybe, alright?' Will asked.
Nico meowed once.
'Good. So would you mind it?'
Nico meowed twice.
'That's great. Now, I'm sure you're hungry. Good that we have secret stock for when we miss breakfast, lunch or dinner.' Will said. He walked over to the kitchen part of the cabin, put Nico on the small dinner table and walked then to the fridge which was a part of the stock. He took a bottle of milk out of it and some baked carrots and a bit cheese.
Nico meowed questioning.
'I read cats are able to eat those without getting sick.' Will replied. He put the baked carrots in the microwave and took out a small knife and a plate. He cut the cheese in small pieces and did the same to the carrots when the microwave dinged (don't judge my vocabulary) and he had taken them out. He put it all on the plate and put the milk in a small bowl. He placed them in front of Nico on the table. Nico looked at them for a few second and then started eating.
'Honestly, I think you're quite cute now. Not that you're not cute when you're human, of course!' He quickly added. Then he started mumbling softly. Nico, with his cat ears, could hear what he was saying.
'If only he was human again and I could hug him. Does he even like me back? Probably not. Should I ask him? Maybe I sh-'
Nico interrupted him with a meow.
'You could hear what I was saying, couldn't you?' Will asked.
Nico meowed once.
'Oh my gods, I'm so stupid, I should have known you could! Now I'm making this awkward because you obviousy don't like me and I'm so sor-' Will rambled nervously.
Nico meowed twice.
'No? No as in, no I don't like or no I do like you?' Will asked.
Nico meowed twice.
'No way! You do?'
Nico meowed once again.
'No joke?' Will asked and earned an annoyed hiss.
'Sorry, got too excited.' Will grinned. 'Man, I could kiss you right now if you weren't a cat!'
Nico hissed again, as if saying "don't kiss me now". (you mean, don't kiss me me-ow :D)
'Yeah, would be weird now. Anyway, eat up your food so we can go to the infirmary.'
Nico soon finished his food. Will picked the plate and bowl up, put them in the sink and then picked Nico up to make their way to the infirmary.


A few days later

'I think you should change back in a few minutes now, so I am going to put you down, okay?' Will asked. Nico meowed once as answer.
As they thought, Nico changed back a few minutes later.
Will bursted out laughing.
'What? Is there something wrong?' NIco asked.
'You still have a tail and cat ears!' Will said between his laughs.
'What?' Nico screeched and his hand flew to his head and butt. He went deep red when he felt he indeed still had them. 'I am going to kill them!'
Nico started walking to Bunker Nine, where Leo and Connor usually make up their plans, when Will pulled him back.
'I think it's really cute.' He smiled.
Nico rolled his eyes. 'Yeah, sure.'
'No, really! You were cute as human and as cat and now you're both. The ultimate cuteness.' Will said.
'Prove it.' Nico said challenging.
'Sure.' Will said and pulled Nico in a kiss.
Nico was surprised at first but then warmed up and kissed back, his black tail twisting around Wills leg.

Neko!Nico for everyone! I love it tbh. Enjoyed it? Hope so! Sorry for the big break, school is a lot. I am doing my best to get my classes up because if I fail this year, I'll need to go to another school. I really don't want that because all my friends are at this school... I hope everyone has a good day! Happy whatever national holiday I missed! Bye xx

P.S. Some may have noticed my icon. That's me! So if you ever wondered what's the face of the person behind those one-shots like, look at my icon!

P.S.S. Any Miraculers here? "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir" is such a great show omgs....

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