#1: Solangelo Part 1

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This is the first one, guys! Hope you like it!

Will's POV

'Guys, is it normal to be nervous?' I asked, pulling an hand through my blonde hair.
'It is, Will. I was nervous too. Everything I could think about was Athena making it a mess, but it became fine and look at me now, married and two healthy kids.' Percy answered. Jason put an arm around my shoulders.
'Just calm down and breath. Nothing can go wrong. You stand there, say your vow, say "I do" and kiss Nico. Could it be harder?' He said.
'But what if he says no? What if Apollo or Hades is against it? What if monsters attack?' I asked.
'He is going to say yes, they are totally fine with it and how in Hades could there come a monster into New Rome?' Leo said.
I sighed. 'I don't know.' I mumbled. The door opened and Frank came in.
'Are you done? Everybody is waiting for you.' He said. We followed him out and I went to stand at the aisle. Chiron was smiling at me and I smiled back. One of my siblings went to sit behind the piano. After a few minutes he started playing and I knew the moment was near. I picked at some dust on my black tuxedo. When I looked back up, I saw Hazel with Frank, Piper with Jason, Annabeth with Percy and Reyna with a centurion who was the son of Mars walk down the aisle. Then Nico walked through the big doors. Suprisely, Persephone was walking with him. He looked around nervous. Then his eyes met mine. Our gazes locked and we both were smiling. I almost didn't saw that the guys went to stand behind me and the girls at the side which was going to be Nico's. When Persephone and Nico where almost here, I met them halfway. Persephone smiled widely at me and handed me Nico's hand. I led him back to Chiron and we stood opposite of each other, looking each other in the eyes.
'Welcome everybody.' Chiron started. 'Welcome to this beautiful day where we lock the fates of Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace with each other. Before we start, is there anybody who wants to say something? Speak now, or stay quiet forever.'
Nobody said something so Chiron continued.
'Well then. Do you, Nico Di Angelo, take William Solace as you beloved husband, through war and love, through illnes and healthiness, untill the death parts you?'
'I do.' Nico answered looking into my eyes.
' Do you, William Solace, take Nico Di Angelo as you beloved husband, through war and love, through illnes and healthiness, untill the death parts you?'
'I do.' I said.
'Before I announce you husband and husband with the help of Hera or Juno, do you want to say something?' Chiron asked. Just as I took a deep breath, Nico began.
'My dear William Solace.' He started. 'You don't have a single idea how thankful I am right now. After the war against Gaea, you held me hostage in the infirmary, saying I need to rest and always using your two famous words "Doctor's orders". I always said I was fine. I wasn't and I see that now. I was starving myself and didn't sleep. I always pushed people away so I can't hurt them, but you kept coming back. You looked after me, took care of me. You was my sunshine in my dark times. You helped me up when I was low. You made me happy when I was sad. I promise you, I will do anything to pay that back.'
I heard people sniff and cry in the back ground but I ignored taht and syarted my vow.
'Sweet Nico Di Angelo.' People chuckled. 'I don't have enough words now since you already said the best. But I always can try. When I saw you for first time, I already felt a connection. You were often in my mind, but I tried to push that away. When I saw you at the end of the war, all my old feelings came back. I was sure I had a crush on you, no, I was in love with you. Yes, I did held you hostage in the infirmary, but look at where it brought us. We are standing at the aisle, staring into each other's eyes. I have plans for a future, Nico, but I won't need them if that future isn't with you. And I promise, I will love you as long as my heart beats.'
Nico was crying without making sound. I softly wided away his tears and smiled at him.
'The rings, please.' Chiron said. Jason and Reyna stepped closer. Jason handed me a imperial golden ring.l with tiny little diamonds on it. I carefully pulled it on Nico's finger. Reyna handed him a Stygain iron ring with little stones of onyx on it. He pulled it on my finger.
'With the help of Hera or Juno, I announce you, husband and husband!' Chiron said.
I pulled Nico close to me with my right hand. I cupped his cheek with my other hand.
'I love you.' I whispered.
'I love you.' He whispered back. I leaned in and kissed him gently. People cheered, but their sound faded into the background. We pulled away after what felt like it was too short. We held each others hands and started to walk down the aisle. At the end, Nico turned.
'Hey, girls! Stand ready!' He shouted. He pulled out the white rose of his front pocket and turned his back to them.
'Ready?' He shouted.
'Yes!' The girls cheered. Nico threw the rose over his shoulder and turned to the girls to look. It fell down between the girls. Then someone screamed and a hand with the rose peeked up above all their heads. It was Calypso. She smiled widely at Leo who was blushing as a tomato. Nico and I chuckled and went through the doors, where a suprise waited for us. The spirit of a older woman who looked like Nico was waiting there along with Hades, Apollo and Persephone.
'Mom?' Nico asked shocked.
They nodded. 'Why would I want to miss the wedding of my son? I'm so happy for you, Nico. You found your own happiness.' The woman said. She looked like an older version of Nico.
'I-I...' Nico stuttered.
'Just see this as a weddingday present from me and Persephone.' Hades said.
Suddenly Nico did something nobody ever had done before. He hugged Hades.
'T-thank you.' He whispered. Hades hesitantly hugged back.
'I already told that I want you to be an exception. Be happy, Nico. It's all I will ever want from you.' Hades said. Nico pulled away and smiled at his father.
'Oh yeah, give the attention to the god who let you see your dead mother one last time, while the god who made sure you won't get any fatal illnesses stands here.' Apollo complained.
'You did that?' I asked surprised.
'Usual weddingday present for my kids.' He answered smirking.
'Thanks, Apollo.' I smiled at him.
'No probs kid.' Apollo said. 'Now, c'mon! Isn't there an after party?'
I chuckled. 'Yes, there is one.'
After a few minutes, the most people were dancing. I was standing at the side watching Nico talking to his mother.
'Hey, Will.'
I looked at my right. Reyna was smiling at me. I smiled back.
'Hey, Reyna. How are you?' I asked.
'I'm fine. Just... a little confused, I guess.' She sighed.
'Why?' I asked.
'Well, you know Johnny, son of Mars, the boy who walked down on the aisle with me? I thought that I liked him but I don't feel it.' She said.
'You mean you aren't in love with him.' I said.
'I think, yes. I never really felt something strong to him, actually.' She said.
'Hmm, really? You looked like a cute couple though.'
'Yes, I've heard that from Piper. But, please don't tell anybody, I saw a girl, a daughter of Minerva, and, y'know, I think I like her.'
'So you think you might be bisexual?' I asked.
'Yes.' She sighed. 'But it's just, how can a preator like me be that? Don't I have to give an example for my fellow Romans?'
'So you want to be an example with being not totally yourself? There is nothing wrong with bisexuality, Reyna. Look at me and Nico. Did somebody here at New Rome complain?' I asked.
'No.' Reyna answered.
'Then why don't you give the right example and be who you are? Be who you want to be. If they don't accept you, know that you're always welcome at Camp Half-Blood. Or you can find a house and live a life in a city. You don't need to bother about what others think. What do you think about yourself?'
Reyna was quiet for a moment and looked at the crowd. Then she turned to me and smiled.
'Thanks, Will. This really helped.' She said and walked away.
'Wait! Where are you going?' I yelled behind her.
'I'm going to be me!' She yelled back over her shoulder. She walked over to the girl who helped me and Nico with planning. Annabeth also wanted to help but she was too busy with her architecture. I turned my gaze to where I saw Nico for the last time, but didn't find him there. I looked around and saw him close to the door. I walked over to him.
'Hey.' I said reaching him.
'Hey.' He said. 'Do you think it's time for us to go? Maybe go to bed?'
'Isn't it a little early?' I asked. I perfectly knew what he meant but I wanted to play with him.
'It isn't. Come on, it's pretty late, let's go.' He said trying to pull me out.
'No, I want to dance a little with you. One dance and we go.' I said.
'Fine.' He said. I pulled him to the edge of dance floor and said he had to wait. I walked to the dj and asked him for a slow dance. He nodded. I walked back to Nico and by the time I reached him, slow music started. I pulled him close to me and placed my hands at his waist. He placed his hand around my neck. We slowly danced. At one point, Nico tiptoed and kissed me passionately. I leaned down with my head to kissed back and placed one my hands in his neck, playing with his hair with my fingers. He pulled away when the song ended.
'There. One dance. Now come on. I want to go.'
I chuckled. 'Fine, Death Boy. Let's go.'
Nico sighed happily and pulled me to the doors. I knew we were going to our house here. I also knew what he wanted to do.

*wiggles eyebrows* Well well, what a naughty Nico. Second part will be posted ASAP ;)

QOTD: Do you have a good idea for me or a request? Pm me!

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