#12: Jercy AU

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I'm at an airplane while writing the beginning of this, so it's obvious where this is going to be about XD.

'Mom, I got to hang up, I'm at the stairs of plane now. I will call you back when I'm at the ground, okay?' Percy said.
'Okay, sweetie. Have fun, okay? And don't be afraid, the chance of a plane crash is tiny.' Sally said through the phone.
'Okay, mom. Love you!'
'Love you too!' Percy hang up and sat down next to the small window and stared outside. He was really nervous. Who wouldn't be nervous if you go into the air for the first time?
'Hey, dude? I think you got my seat.' Somebody said. Percy quickly turned his head to the voice. A handsome blond boy with blue eyes looked at him.
'I... I am sorry.' Percy said mumbling and got up and made place so the blonde could pass.
'I don't mind.' The blonde said as he sat down. 'I'm Jason. So where are you going?'
That name seems familiar...
'I'm Percy and I'm going to Florida. Going to visit my father and halfbrother.'
'Sounds fun. I'm going to visit my sister, also in Florida. We don't look like each other, have different personalities, but we're pretty close.'
Percy opened his mouth to say something when a voice could be heard through the intercom.
'Ladies and gentlemen. Please sit down and buckle your belts.' The women's voice said.
Percy tensed up. They were going into the air soon. It stayed silent between the boys till the airplane was in the air.
'I love to fly, you know? I feel so free. I also do some sky diving in my free times. I love the feeling of the wind against me.' Jason said looking out.
Percy gulped. 'Hmhmm.'
Jason turned to look at him. It was that moment when he saw Percy's tension. Percy had digged his nails in the sides of the stools. He was staring straightly into the plane and his eyes as wide as possible.
Jason gasped. 'Oh my god, I'm so sorry.' He said. 'Are you okay? Is this your first time?'
'I... am... not.. o- fucking -kay.' Percy answered. 'And yes. My first time. Also afraid of heights.'
'Hey.' Jason said. 'Hey, look at me.'
Percy turned his head. Jason cupped his cheeks and came closer to his face. Sparks flew over at the touch. Percy's breath hitched. Jason's blue eyes showed some strands of grey and green. Percy could drown in them, what would be funny as swim instructor.
'There is nothing to be afraid of. Calm down and just forget about the fact that you're in a plane, okay? Maybe talking with me helps.' Jason said.
Percy nodded and smiled weakly. Jason smiled back widely. Percy then noticed how close Jason's face is and looked down blushing. But his eyes didn't came further than Jason soft-looking pink lips. It took everything to stop Percy from licking his own lips. He quickly looked back up to Jason's eyes and saw that they were staring at him.
'Y-you can let go of me now.' Percy said quietly. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach. Jason quickly let go.
'Y-yeah, sorry.' He said blushing. They stayed quiet for a while.
'S-so,' Percy finally said. 'Any music artist you like?'
'I love Panic! At The Disco. A friend of mine told me to listen to them and I loved them immediately. He also said I should start listening to My Chemical Romance.'
'Oh, I love My Chemical Romance and Panic! At The Disco! They're awesome. I love Miss Jackson, also because my last name is Jackson.'
'Wait, so your full name is Percy Jackson? As in Perseus Jackson?' Jason asked.
'Yeah, how did you know?' Percy asked surprised that the blonde boy knew his full name.
'Do you know Thalia?' Jason asked.
'Yeah, wh- Oh! You're her brother, aren't you? That's why your name is so familiar!'
'What a small world.' Jason said shaking his head.
'Indeed.' Percy said. Suddenly the plane shaked a little. Percy immediately paled and clenched the stool.
'Calm down! It's just some turbulence, nothing to worry about.' Jason said.
'You think so?' Percy said in an high pitchy voice.
Jason nodded. 'I know so.'
Percy calmed down a bit. 'You know, I should thank you.' He said. 'I probably would have passed out if you weren't here.'
'No problem, Seaweed Brain.' Jason said smirking.
'I mean it, Sparky.' Percy smiled.
'Oh, not that old nickname.' Jason groaned. 'Only because I can stand shock.'
'That nickname. And I don't know, it suits you.' Percy said shrugging.
'And why is that?' Jason asked.
'I definitely felt some sparks at that touch.' Percy said while thinking about when Jason cupped his cheeks.
'That makes two of us.' Jason said.
Percy chuckled. 'We should definitely hang out sometime. Where do you live?'
'Manhattan.' Jason replied.
'You're kidding. How come I never saw you?' Percy asked.
'Guess we hadn't had the luck. But I don't live there a long time. Just a month.'
'A month? Where did you live before? I can tell that it's somewhere at the East Coast from your accent.'
'San Francisco. You sound like you come from New York.'
'I do. I live in New York as long as I remember. I could show you all the good places. Good snackbars, restaurant with the best food, places you must have been to at least once.'
'Sounds like a date.' Jason smirked.
'Only if you want to.'
'I would love to.'
'Ladies and gentlemen. We're going to lanf in ten minutes. Please buckle your belts and keep your stools straight.' The lady said through the intercom.
'When we land, the plane will shake a little. Don't worry about that, it happens all the time.' Jason said immediately.
'Thanks for warning.' Percy said.
'No problem.' Jason said smiling.

Let me tell you a thing. I don't ship Percabeth that much anymore. It's always Percabeth this, Percabeth that. I'd rather have Jercy and Pipabeth. Whatever, not important. Bye.

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