#18: Leico Part 2

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Requested by @Idunnoa, enjoy it!

Nico's POV

'You ready?' Leo asked.
I looked at my old front door and sighed. I looked back at him and his crew than nodded. I quietly opened the door. I waited and listened. I walked in when I didn't hear anything. I walked around, looking for anyone, but nobody was there. At least, that's what I thought when I heard some snoring from my room. I gestured the others to keep quiet. Leo gave me the cottonwol with the stuff that makes you faint. I took it in my hand and quietly went in. Dark curly hair peeked out from my old black blanket. I quietly walked to them. Just as I was going to pull off the blanket and put it on their face they grabbed my hands.
'Stop!' They skrieked. My eyes widened and I stared at the girl.
'Who are you?' She asked.
'The old owner of that bed.' I hissed.
'What are you talking about? My mom said nobody else lived here.'
'She lied. I lived here. I walked away just yesterday.'
'What? Why?' She asked.
'What shall I say? Fisrt she makes me do anything, so I barely got time for homework. Then she tells my father that I haven't done a single thing all day long and he beats me up.'
'That's horrible! I'm so sorry... ehm.. What's your name?' The girl asked.
I hesitated.
'I swear I won't tell anybody.' The girl said.
'Nico.' I said. 'Nico Di Angelo. You?'
'Hazel Levesque.'
'Where have you stayed before here?'
'A while in New Orleans, then San Francisco.' She replied.
'You like it here?' I asked.
'With my mom? Not really. She kinda hates me, my dad not that much.'
'Would you want to walk away?'
'I would like to, but where to?' She asked.
I smirked. 'I'm not alone here. There are some other kids who had walked away from their homes. We actually came to rob the place. They said they have plenty of food and comfy warm beds.'
'A new home?' Hazel asked hopefully.
I nodded. 'A new home.'
'I'm coming.' Hazel said jumping up.
'Good. Pack your bag, take some money too, you may need it, and come to the front door. I won't leave without you.' I said and turned to leave.
'Wait, Nico?' Hazel said.
I looked over my shoulder to her. 'Yes?'
'What does this make of us? Siblings?'
I thought for a small while. 'Yeah. Siblings. Hurry up... sis.' I exited the room.
One of the others met me in the hallway. I'm sure her name was Piper.
'Who's there?' She asked.
'Looks like my new sister and someone new for your community.' I replied.
'With how many are you guys anyway? Is there another kid?'
'Used to.' I replied and walked to the living room. The blond guy, Jason was there.
'So have you found anything nice?' I asked.
'Nice? Dude, this while room is covered in gold!' He said excitedly.
'Yeah, my stepmother has something with treasures.' I said.
'Well, that makes me happy.' He said and kept throwing things in his big bag.
I went to the kitchen to find Leo eating an apple.
'Maybe you should take everything first before you start eating the food.' I said smirking.
He swallowed. 'Done.' He said and pointed next to me on the ground. I looked down and found a couple of bags filled with kitchen utensils.
'How about we take another bag and fill it with the food?' I said opening the refrigerator and looking in it. It was filled with food, like always.
Leo took out another bag and threw it to me. 'Why don't you do it yourself?'
I rolled my eyes at him and started to fill the bag. I made sure to put the most breakable things on top. 'Done.' I said and placed the bag next to the others. I also took a pomegranate for myself out. I found a single knife in the drawer and cut it open. Suddenly Hazel came in, making Leo choke on his apple.
'I'm ready!' She cheered. Then she looked worryingly at Leo. 'Are you okay?'
Leo finally swallowed the piece of apple. 'Who are you?'
'Nico's new stepsister.' Hazel replied smiling.
Leo looked at me with big suprised eyes. Oh, they're so gorge- stop it!
I shrugged. 'I only know it since a few minutes ago.'
'Going with us, I assume?' Leo asked her.
'Only if you let me.' Hazel said.
'I do, but Mr. D maybe not. He only accepts people with no conscience.' Leo said.
'Who said I have one?' Hazel smirked.
'Well, you actually seem like a sweet schoolgirl with a big heart.' Leo said looking up and down on her.
Hazel stepped closer to him and faced him. She was shorter, but more intimidating than you would think.
'I could kill you in an instant.' She hissed. When she stepped back I saw a flash near her hand, probably a knife.
Leo gulped. 'Mr. D would like you, I'm sure if that.'
Hazel grinned at him. 'Good. When are we going?'

As soon as we have as much as we can carry.' Leo replied smiling nervously at her.
'I can help carry some stuff?' Hazel suggested.
'I will help you, too.' I said, to my surprise. Why would I want to help these guys? I mean, they look kind and Leo looks kinda hot, but why? Wait. Did I just really..? God dammit, Nico! Stop it!
'Sure, then we will be able to take more with us.' Leo said smiling widely at the idea. He went into the living room and Hazel sat down opposite me.
'Did you live here your whole live with Marie and Hades?' Hazel asked.
'I used to live in Italy with my parents and my older sister.'
'Where are your mother and sister now?' Hazel asked. 'Are your parents divorced?'
I looked down. Tears already stang in my eyes.
Hazel gasped when it hit her. 'Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Me and my big mouth.' Hazel said.
I shook my head. 'Stay here.' I whispered and went to my old room. I looked around. I found a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote a quick note and placed it on my old bed. Then I saw my old skull ring. Bianca had given it to me. I took it and put it on my finger. I played with it for a while, turning it around my finger, then I grabbed a bag and started filling it with the clothes I had left (they were hided under the bed). When I grabbed another shirt from under the bed, something fell out of it. I carefully grabbed it. It was the midnight black knife my dad gave a long time ago, before we moved here. Why? I don't know. I turned it a few times in my hand, examined it. It was good balanced, as it was made for me to use.
'We're ready to go.' Piper's voice called from outside the room. I put it in my bag and slung it on my back. I stepped out of the room without a glance back.
'I'm ready.' I said as I came into the living room, where they already stood ready.
'Let's go home then.' Jason said. We all picked up a bag and walked out, me as last to close the door.

------time skip brings you to Camp Half-Blood------

Leo's POV

'Where were you all night?' Mr. D asked.
'I have found two new people to join us, sir. They have helped us to rob a house. The heist is pretty good.' I replied.
'I will decide if it's good. Show it to me.' He hissed.
Jason, Piper and I opened the bags in front of him. We had let Nico and Hazel wait just outside the door, waiting for a sign to come in.
Mr. D examined the inside of the bags. When he looked at us again, he had a smirk on his face. Smirks are good, very good. Frowns were bad.
'Bring them in, I want to meet them.' He said.
'Yes, sir.' I said and rushed to bring them in. I opened the door to the room. They looked like they were talking about something.
'You can come in. Whatever you do, don't insult him. At least not to badly.' I said and let them in. They stopped in front of Mr. D. He looked at them for a while, examining.
'Who are you?' Mr. D asked.
'Hazel Levesque, sir.' Hazel replied politely.
'Nico Di Angelo.' Nico replied.
'De Angela? As in Hadi De Angela?' Mr. D asked surprised.
'Yes, he is my father, unfortunately.' Nico said, not bothering to correct him.
'So all this stuff is his?' Mr. D asked.
'Yes.' Hazel replied.
'Great!' Mr. D exclaimed. He looked at Piper, Jason and me. Suddenly, I thought he was going to use him to get more. A live for money.
'Good bait, find them a nice place, perhaps cabin 13.' He told us.
'Sir, I've got a question.' Nico suddenly said.
'Yes?' Mr. D asked.
'Are there any twins here? My bag got stolen today, and I have a few important things to get back. They can keep the money, there were more important things in it.'
'Blond hair, blue eyes, fast and mischievous?' Mr. D guessed.
'Yes.' Nico said nodding.
Mr. D turned back to me. 'Take him to the Stolls. Tell them they need to give back this boy's bag with everything in it. Tell them it's my special order.' He said.
'As you wish, sir.' I said nodding.
'You're dismissed.' Mr. D said.
We quickly walked out.
I smiled at Nico and Hazel. 'Welcome at Camp Half-Blood.'

Question: should I make a fanfic of this? I really enjoy writing this and you might get more details about their pasts and what exactly happened to Bianca and Maria and Percy and stuff. Would anyone like that? Would anyone READ that?

Also, I'm so sorry for not updating for such a long time. I have been busy a lot with school and also my new addiction: Doctor Who. I'm doing the 11th grade again, since I failed last year. I'm already not going fine now, so don't expect me to be very active. But it also can be that I write because I feel bad (writing calms me). But I will try to update at least once a month.

Also, OMFGS THIS HAS 1K READS!!!! I probably gonna do a special, any demigod x reader. Idk when it will be published but please spam me when you think I am taking too long again bc I seem to forget about writing. I love you my beautiful angels, see you later!


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