#22: Percabeth

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Request from @Idunnoa.

'But why?' Annabeth asked.
'I don't want you to date that sea scum!' Athena replied.
Annabeth sighed. 'What did Poseidon do this time?'
'He called me stupid! Can you believe it? Me, stupid?'
Annabeth groaned. 'Are you serious?'
'Dead Sirius!'
'That's rude, mom!'
'Get over it, girl, and break up with the sea scum.'
'No!' Annabeth shouted.
'I am a goddess! I could make you do it, or worse!'
Annabeth gasped. 'You won't!'
'Oh yes I will!'

---time skip brought you to weird&confused me writing this without a single plan---

At dinner, Annabeth went over to the Big Three table.
'Percy, can we talk? Alone?' Annabeth asked. Percy nodded, worry on his face. He got up and followed her. They stopped behind Cabin 3. Annabeth felt three pairs of eyes on her and one of them was Percy's.
'I... we...' Annabeth tried to find words to say.
'It's about our parents, isn't it?' Percy asked softly.
Annebeth nodded. 'My mom, she... she wants us to break up.'
'And what if we don't want to?'
'You know what she will do, Percy. She will kill you.' Annabeth said heartbroken.
'Just because I love you?' Percy asked.
'She and your dad are mad at each other. Maybe, if we give it time...'
'No! I won't give it time! We're demigods, Annabeth, and time is one of the things we don't have. We're walking time bombs and we can explode every second. That's why we need to live the fullest!'
'Percy, if we stay together, my mother will kill you as soon as she can. I won't be able to live without you. If we break up, just for a while, we can at least see each other.'
Percy didn't respond, he just glared up.
'Please, I don't want you to get hurt.' Annabeth begged.
Percy looked into Annabeth's eyes. He searched for a sign that she didn't want to it. But Annabeth looked pleading back.
'Please.' Annabeth said one last time.
Percy sighed. 'Okay. But I still want to see you often.'
'That's okay, I don't think mom would mind.'
'Can... can I get one more kiss?' Percy whispered.
Annabeth smiled. 'Of course.'
Percy placed his hand on the small of Annabeth's back and pulled her closer. His other hand went to the back of her neck.
Annebeth wrapped her arms around his neck and tiptoed to reach his lips. Percy leaned a bit down and met her lips.
Suddenly lightning lighted up the air. Annabeth and Percy quickly parted.
'I love you.' Annabeth whispered, barely hearable.
'I love you too.' Percy whispered back. He caressed her cheek on more time, smiling sadly. Then walked away. He walked to the beach. Annabeth watched while he walked into the water and disappeared beneath the surface. Then she went to the arena, and let's just say, there were no dummies left.

---timeskip brought you to me who finally has an idea for this---

'You need to say sorry.' Percy said to his father.
'Never. She called my jokes lame!' Poseidon said.
'Are you serious, Dad? Just because she insulted your jokes?'
'Yes, I am!'
'And you also don't care that because of you two, we needed to break up?'
'I'm sorry, Percy, but I'm not saying sorry to Athena.'
'Why?' Percy exclaimed.
'Because I don't want to!'
'Sorry to say this, dad, but sometimes you are acting like a five years old instead of an immortal god.'
Poseidon glared at Percy. 'I don't care, I won't say sorry. Not now, not ever.'
Percy sighed and left his father's throne room without a word.

---timeskip brought you to Young!Nico in Italy---

Percy looked at her, hiding in the shadows. She was fighting in the arena against Piper. She dodged, parried and attacked.
'What's wrong?' Someone suddenly asked behind him.
Percy turned around and faced his dark-eyed cousin.
'Nothing.' Percy sighed and leaned against the wall.
'I, out of all people, know when there's something wrong. So stop lying and tell me.' Nico said.
'Our parents got into a fight and forced us to break up.' Percy said.
'I bet you already went to your father to ask if he can say sorry.'
'What now?'
'I don't know.' Percy replied.
'You're not going to fight for her?' Nico asked surprised. 'After everything you have gone through, you let this get between you? I thought you were better than that, Perce.'
Percy looked at Nico. The raven-haired boy went though more than Percy could ever imagine and still he stood in front of him, proud and strong. Everyone knew about him and Will, and they were all okay with it. Thanks to them, more people got the courage to come out.
When Percy didn't answer, Nico continued. 'You should go there and kiss her, no matter what your parents say. Nobody can't control love, except Aphrodite.'
Percy looked over to see Annabeth talking with Piper. She had a forced smile on her face and tried to act happy.
'Maybe... maybe you're right.' Percy mumbled.
'Of course I am. I always am.' Nico said. 'Now get your girl or I'll kick your ass.' He pushed Percy into the ring. Percy almost fell over, but kept his balance. The two girls in the middle noticed him. Percy walked over to them.
'Hey.' He said with a small smile.
'Hey, Percy.' Piper greeted him.
'Hi.' Annabeth mumbled.
'Can I talk to you?' Percy said to Annabeth.
She nodded. Piper walked away, getting that she wasn't needed.
'I... I can't stay without you. Every second I see you and can't kiss you... it hurts so bad. I can't do this anymore, so forgive me for doing this.' Percy cupped Annabeth's face and kissed her. First Annabeth tried to push him away, but then she gave up and kissed him back. They only parted to take a breath and stayed in each other's arms, their foreheads touching.
Suddenly there was a bright flash and Athena and Poseidon stood next to them.
'I told you to stay away from him!' Athena yelled.
'If you search someone to blame, I was the one who kissed her.' Percy said, slightly pushing Annabeth behind him.
Athena glared at him. 'I should change you in some sort of animal. An ugly frog perhaps?' She said.
'You know, you should be ashamed. You're dragging us in your problems. You have no right to do that, immortal or not.' Percy said.
'I... I-'
'Whatever you have to say, could you please just leave us alone? I can't remember the last time I could have a peaceful day. Every day there happens something, big or small. And I am fed up. I am so fucking fe-'
'Percy!' Poseidon interupted.
'No! Shut up and listen for a time!' Percy shouted. 'I am fed up with the whole demigod shit! Leave us alone for fucks sake! You need someone to save the world? Search someone else! 'Cause next time, I won't do a single shit for you!' Percy's face was red from anger. Athena and Poseidon were shocked. A mortal never shouted at them like this.
'I... I-I'm' Poseidon stuttered.
'I'm sorry.' Athena whispered.
'This won't happen again.' Poseidon said.
'Good. Now say sorry to each other and go back to Olympus.' Percy said.
'I'm sorry.' Athena and Poseidon said in unison. Then they started to glow. Percy looked away when they flashed away. He then turned to the love of his life. She was staring at him in awe.
'I don't think I've ever seen you like that before.' She said.
'I guess I finally snapped. Now, where were we?' Percy smirked and kissed Annebeth.

Well, that was something. Has been a while, hasn't it? Nice to see you again, guys. I'm sorry I barely update. I have a lot of schoolwork to do, unlike some certain person. You know I'm talking about you. Anywhore. Merry Christmas for the people who celebrate it! Hope you have lots of presents. Imma go talk to my girlfriend. Bye!!

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