3. - I invited someone, I hope you don't mind.

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— Oh my goodness. — I said looking towards Lorena's house.

We had arrived at a residential area somewhat apart from the city. All the houses were equally huge, but Lorena's was set apart from everything, right at the end.

Lorena is a famous artist; she was just at the peak of her musical career. She had participated in the soundtrack of movies that make you feel that life is worth living, and that you can wake up one more day. But despite this, she preferred to live away from everything and everyone.

— Hey, shut your mouth a little, you're drooling. — Charlie said.

— I'm sorry, it's just that... it's really huge. — I added, admiring the house.

— I know, you should see her house in Brazil, it's twice as big. — she mentioned, opening the white gate that protected the house.

— What?!, She have a house in Brazil too? — I said passing in front of Charlie once the gate was opened.

— Of course, she is Brazilian.

— Oh, right, I remember you mentioned something like that at Grace's party. — I remembered.

— That's right, I'm glad you remember the little details of the first time we met, Nora. — she smiled, so I smiled back.

We walked down a small path that led from the gate to the main entrance. I soon realized that we were walking through the main garden, full of different flowers. Apparently, Lorena was very fond of flowers.

Charlie knocked on the door. Soon Lorena appeared.

— Charlie! — greeted Lorena hugging her. — It's so good to see you again, I thought you wouldn't make it.

— Sorry, maybe I got a little sidetracked before I came. Here is what you asked for. — She proceeded to give her the sheet music. — By the way, I invited someone, I hope you don't mind. Remember Nora? — she said making way for her to notice me.

Lorena took the sheets. — Nora, yes, from Grace's graduation party, right? — she greeted me with a hug too.

I nodded. — I didn't get a chance to tell you that night, but I wanted to tell you that you are very good at the piano, I remember you played the soundtrack to La La Land, it was beautiful.

— Aw, thanks, Nora, I appreciate it. — she thanked, leaving the sheet music that Charlie had brought on a small table at the entrance. — But please, come in, come in! Welcome, Ashton has almost everything ready.

The entrance was almost like walking onto the set of a movie where a British royal princess is having a ball for her coronation party. The ceiling reached almost to the sky, and everything was pearly white.

We arrived at the backyard, where Oliver and Ashton were waiting for us at the bar of the minibar that Lorena had outdoors, it was decorated with lights hanging from the roof. There was some music playing, it looked like a private party. For a moment I felt like I was an intruder. A stowaway on the ship of royalty.

— Nora, what are you doing here? — Oliver said as he came over to hug me.

Before we collide (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now