6. Don't play hard to get.

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            The next day I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. Every once in a while, I liked to get out of my apartment, at least that way I didn't spend the whole day inside the same four walls of my apartment. I still needed to clear my head a bit before working on my next column for the newspaper.

As I walked through the streets of Seattle with my coffee, the October chill embraced me with every step. The coffee in my hands transferred warmth to my fingers, keeping them from getting cold.

To be honest, I never minded cold weather, in fact, I've always been a lover of city streets in cold weather.

I was wearing dark jeans and a white long—sleeved blouse. I might as well have gone out like that, but I knew myself, sometimes I could be too cold, so I went out with a black trench coat over it. Better safe than sorry and catching a cold in this nice weather.

I felt the cool October air ruffling my hair. At the same time my thoughts were calming down inside me. This walk was all I needed. A moment with myself on the streets of Seattle.

I was ready to cross the street to go back to my apartment, my mind was already cool so now I could work on my next article to be published in the newspaper. My steps stopped at the pedestrian light as it was red for crossing.

I took a sip of my coffee and looked across the street. There were two men, both in trench coats, I sensed they might have a couple more years on me. One was in beige and the other in shades of dark blue. The man in blue was wearing a scarf around his neck. Then I looked at the man in beige, his nose was red, and as soon as I paid more attention to him, I noticed he was shivering a bit too. I assumed he was probably cold.

The man in blue looked at him too, and sketched a smile. I watched his lips move, I have always watched people, not to stalk them, but to understand them, so naturally over time I learned to read lips. I watched as she asked him if he was cold. The man shook his head emphatically as he hugged himself. The man in blue then guffawed and took off his scarf to put it on the man in beige. Soon they were both laughing as the man in blue hugged the other. Then the man in blue placed a tender little kiss on the nose of the man in beige. So I knew, they were a couple.

The traffic light had changed to green, so I started to cross the street, they crossed in the opposite direction to me.

As they passed me they were still laughing a little. When I turned to look at them I realized that they had held hands to cross the street. Seeing them there so tender in this cold October weather brought warmth to my thoughts, it also brought a smile to my face as I resumed my walk home.

I guess cold climates are my favorite because we can feel the warmth of our emotions.

It didn't take me long to get to my apartment. Upon arrival, I only greeted the doorman since no people were in the lobby. Soon I went to my apartment and entered what I now call "my home."

Once I walked through the front door, I took off my boots and trench coat. It was still cold inside my apartment, but I didn't want to turn on the heating, the truth is I liked walking around in a sweater and being covered under a thousand sheets. It made me feel like I was being hugged all the time.

I sat on the couch to admire the view through the window. I could see every building in the city. I felt so relaxed that I didn't even need to turn on the television to distract myself. I just stared at the buildings while drinking my hot coffee.

Until my phone rang.

I left my coffee on the small table in the living room and went to my room, someone was calling me, so I answered and walked to the living room again.

Before we collide (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now