14. Just a dinner.

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— It's just dinner and that's it. Just one dinner and that's it. — I said to my reflection while I dried my hair.

Suddenly, without realizing it, it was Saturday again, just the day I would have dinner with my parents to which I had invited Sam.

It was just dinner, wasn't it? I've been to dinner with my parents a thousand times, there would be no reason why this one would be any different. Except for the minor detail that this time Sam would be there.

I started looking for what I would wear today; out of nowhere, all my clothes seemed extremely uncomfortable. I didn't feel comfortable in any clothing I wore.

But it was clear what my body was subconsciously dealing with. I was making an unconscious effort to waste time. Maybe then I could avoid going to dinner, right?

I let out a big sigh and lay down on the bed, still in my underwear after having showered.

— It's just a stupid dinner and that's it. — I repeated looking at the ceiling.

Okay, I had brought this on myself by asking Sam to come with me. And it was too late to call the whole thing off. I just had to get dressed and walk to the entrance for Sam to pick me up. From there I just had to let him take me and get through this as quickly as possible so the night would be over soon. Or at least I wanted to convince myself of that.

I had already sent the location of my apartment and my parents' house to Sam, so the only thing left to do was get dressed.

With the little willpower I had I decided to stand up. I couldn't hide for long, even if I wanted to. I put on a simple white blouse.

‹‹ Okay, the first step is done, the jeans remained. Well, Nora, come on, you can do it. ››

I started to look through my drawers for some, it was not difficult to match, I always dress in shades of blue or neutral colors. So naturally they were all good choices. But I didn't feel that way.

I turned my gaze trying to dispel my discomfort. Then I made eye contact with something that caught my attention. They were the jeans that Charlie had given me, they were resting on the chair in my room. As soon as I saw them my mind wandered to memories...

— Phew! It fits you.

— Charlie, they are great! Thank you so much.

— You're welcome, Nora.

The echoes of her voice and my memories of that day brought a smile to my face. So, I already had a decision now. I put away all the clothes I had rearranged so I could leave my room tidy. I finished by putting on the jeans that Charlie had given me.

Without much effort I straightened my hair, then I put on a little mascara in front of the mirror.

— It's just dinner and that's it. — I said to myself as I finished putting on my mascara.

This time I was no longer convincing myself to go through the night, this time it was just a reminder that I had nothing to fear.

My phone vibrated on my bed; it was a message from Sam.

"I'm here, come down when you're ready."

— I'm coming down, give me a moment. — I replied.

A sigh came from the bottom of my chest. Alright, let's do this.

— That's for me? — I asked seriously, pointing towards the bouquet of flowers that Sam had in his hands.

Before we collide (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now