12. Don't you realize?

5 0 0

— So! Your parents, is there anything else I should know? — Sam changed the subject radically.

I returned to my body suddenly. I remembered that we couldn't divert the topic, we had to get back to what was important.

— Ah, mhm, I think that's all. — at the moment I couldn't think of anything else, so I just shrugged my shoulders. — Just be yourself.

— Okay, okay. — he said nodding.

— Well, just to clarify, we're just starting our relationship, but we've known each other for a long time. — I indicated as we left the cafeteria.

— Okay, that sounds good to me. — Sam added, nodding after me.

Now we were on the sidewalk, there was still a flow of customers, but not as many as before. I turned to see Sam.

— Sam?

—Yes? — he responded placing himself right in front of me.

— Thank you for inviting me to lunch today.

— You're welcome, Nora. Thanks to you for coming. — he smiled at me with his lips forming a soft, thin line. — Where are you going now?

I sighed. — To my apartment. I have to continue working.

— I see, do you want me to give you a ride home? I left my car on the other side of the sidewalk. — he indicated, pointing to a white Cavalier with his eyes.

My eyes widened, since when did Sam have a car?

Since when did Sam even drive?!

— Oh wow, I didn't know you had a car. — I said admiring the Cavalier from afar, it could even shine from how clean it looked on the outside.

He laughed a little. — Come on, I'll take you. — he indicated walking towards the edge of the sidewalk, waiting for no car to pass by so we could cross.

As soon as we could cross, we walked towards his car. He opened the passenger side door for me.

— Thank you, what a gentleman.

—You know what they say, manners make the man. — then he winked at me and closed the door softly.

One is coincidence.

Two is a coincidence.

Three is a pattern.

— Sam what?! — Grace exclaimed, upset behind the phone.

Okay, let's review the facts.

After Sam dropped me off at my building we said goodbye. Everything was normal, nothing out of this world. I had decided to let the cafeteria thing go. There was no point in going over it in my mind more than once. We are only friends. I opened up to him and that's it. Nothing abnormal.

Besides, I still had to finish my column. It was already 12 in the afternoon by the time I started writing. However, while I was editing some details I received a call from Grace. She was just doing her usual checkup to see if I was okay.

After all, she's my best friend, obviously she wasn't going to spend much time making sure everything was okay after I called her that time.

But Sam still resonated with me a little, so I decided to tell her about him.

— That now he is more... athletic. Check his Instagram. — I indicated while opening Sam's profile on my laptop. I wanted to see the same thing as Grace.

Before we collide (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now