8. Who doesn't risk doesn't win.

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— I can't do this right now. — I thought out loud.

When I got up, I reviewed the last messages that Charlie had sent me before going to sleep. While I read them in my mind, I followed the last thought I had before going to sleep.

So, I made my choice.

I decided to avoid contact with Charlie, I couldn't have my thoughts messed up before going back to my parents' place in less than a week.

However, I knew that if I didn't talk about what was tormenting me, I would soon feel bad, ready to explode.

I took a deep breath, I realized that I needed company, I no longer wanted to continue alone with my thoughts.

So, I made a video call with Grace. I needed to talk to someone that I knew wouldn't say a single word about what was happening to me.

"NORA! Just know that I don't have to be in the same country for you to call me whenever you want." — She answered the call somewhat indignantly.

Okay, that's right, she was right to feel bad. We hardly spoke, but she was in London, and I was in the United States. Besides, I didn't want to bother her on her vacation.

— I know, I know. Sorry, how's everything going? — I asked, hugging one of my pillows as I sat cross-legged on my bed.

— Listen, I want to be honest with you, the British suck. — she mentioned looking directly at his camera.

I laughed. — I thought they were your type of man, what happened?

— Nothing, and when I say nothing, it is literally NOTHING. I dated a guy, and he turned out to be the most boring and serious human being on the planet, not a laugh came out of that man. — she crossed her arms. — I hate to admit it, but Americans are funnier than these Brits. — she snorted, somewhat annoyed.

We both laugh. I had forgotten how fun Grace is, it was obvious that she would want someone who would brighten her day as much as she brightens everyone else's day.

— I see you, but give them a chance, maybe there will be one that is fun. — I assured her.

— Maybe, but enough about me. — she mentioned waving his hands a little in the air, as if getting rid of the idea of going out with another Brit. — I know you, Nora Pierce, you didn't call me by chance. — she said looking at me through the camera. — Is everything okay, darling? — she raised an eyebrow.

I seriously thought about telling him how I felt, but I didn't even know how I felt. I couldn't define what happened in my head every time I saw Charlie, nor could I explain why my body reacted to her with electrical pulses running down my back.

I seriously needed to get out at least a part of what I was keeping from myself. But I couldn't. I couldn't find the words to tell her.

I squeezed the pillow I was hugging a little. I was afraid to tell her and seem... strange.

— Everything's fine. I just miss you a little. You know, after seeing each other every day in college to hardly ever seeing each other, it's a big change. — I finally responded. I decided I didn't want to broach that conversation, at least not now, I didn't want to ruin their vacation.

— Oh, darling, I know. I miss you a lot too. — she mentioned, bringing her hand closer, simulating that our hands were across the screen. I did the same.

"Grace? Are you talking to Nora?" — I heard Mrs. Charlotte calling through the bedrooms where Grace was.

— Yes Mom! — I saw how Grace responded.

Before we collide (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now