9. Truth and dares

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— I definitely don't know if I can do this. — I told Charlie.

— Come on, Nora, you're a writer, imagine you're in an adventure story and you're just the main character going through challenges. — she encouraged me.

Okay, maybe it got a little out of hand, but let's start at the beginning.

— All right, all right, let's see what we have here. — Charlie said, advancing into the shopping center.

We were inside a four-story building, all with department stores, the food stands were on the top floor. Everything was decorated with a Halloween theme.

To get to each floor, you had to use the escalator, the elevator, or use the stairs.

But I guess Charlie didn't see it that way, for her it was now an adult playground.

— I got it! — she announced, snapping her fingers. — You will have to go to a department store, and you will choose different clothes to make a costume. If you can make the employees laugh or at least give a small smile, I will tell you the truth about myself.

— Well, that will be easy. — I said naturally. It's October, and almost everyone likes costumes.

—No, no, you'll have to go to that store over there. — she mentioned pointing toward one of the stores that I least liked.

It was Belle's Rings and Clothing. It was one of the most elegant department stores. Only women from high society bought clothes there. The typical wives of lawyers or owners of an immense fortune. Almost every time someone came in who didn't fit their "beauty stereotype" they turned their eyes. They couldn't stand anything that wasn't elegant. They were all bitter, in short.

— Oh no, next challenge. — I asked.

—Come on, Nora. —she mentioned taking my hand to enter together. — I'll be close, you can.

Charlie dragged me inside. I could quickly feel the gaze of the employees watching me.

But I think their gaze had settled more intensely on Charlie, I guessed it was because her hair was so unruly.

Well, now I had to figure out how to get them to laugh.

I grabbed a rather extravagant scarf and some dark sunglasses, to finish I grabbed a Peaky Blinders-type men's hat and slipped on a trench coat that matched my outfit. Soon half of my face was no longer visible. That helped me feel that no one would recognize me anymore.

I walked over to some female employees at a counter. They looked at me with disgust but took care of me. Charlie had hidden among the clothes just to spy on me and see that I accomplished my mission.

All right, I could, I had to convince myself of that, I wasn't going to be an introvert forever, I had to convince myself that I could make them at least smile a little.

—Can I help you, ma'am? — the employee told me with a gesture of displeasure. Apparently, she was a couple of years older than me but when she saw me dressed up, she mistook me for a lady.

— I hope so, honey. — I said, rushing over to the counter. — I'm looking for the sexiest item of clothing you have, I suspect that my husband is going to leave me for another and that is something I cannot allow. —I pointed out, hitting the counter a little.

— Oh, I see. — The employee seemed more attentive now that she had that story I made up. — I think I can get you something, follow me.

I followed her. Charlie came behind us at a considerable distance. Together we reached the lingerie section. There were a lot of thongs and gowns that left nothing to the imagination. I blushed, trying to hide in my scarf. I personally had never seen so much elegant lingerie.

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